[@Odin] [s]Despite the fact that woman actually now have a higher percentage of them that play "games". How many world champion female gamers do you know?[/s] That was sarcasm, I don't want to get in that discussion. Hence the crossing out, JUST IN CASE SOMEONE OUT THERE DOESN'T GET IT. Hey, you can be sarcastic all you want. But I'm still waiting for you and the seven or so people actually taking/defending your previous statements seriously about judging -my- writing to admit, you don't actually care about quality and that nothing I said was ever worth getting a moderator to patronize me for it. :I [i]Not really, I kind of already went over that and the whole not caring thing...I've been aware of the irony all along. I'm just joining in the memes at this point.[/i] [img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/WmJk83VGPdqq9qMXTV9ZUkiTkk6wu40WLG2atf4shSGWltiez1Qj_iWVahPknzgTE4xtJ8w=s105[/img]