[b][i][center] StarFall The Arrival [/b] For centuries man has looked at the stars Wondering if there is life beyond our world Who cloud have know it would come raining down Inside a shower of meteorites which would become One of the greatest catastrophes in human history.[/i][/center] It was a normal 4st July 2014, in most countries it was a regular Friday, except in a single country which celebrates the anniversary of declaring independence. But unknown to humanity a cloud of thousand of hundreds space rocks approaches Earth, accelerating as it does. Then at 17:13:23 GTM the first rocks collide with Earth's surface, causing massive devastation as the rocks rain upon all parts of the planet. It takes almost 30 hours for the bombardment to stop, leaving devastated landscapes and countless dead. But before humanity can even start rebuilding the surviving remain of the meteoroids which fallen now crack open, unleashing alien organisms of many forms and sizes of which almost all start causing more chaos and destruction; but a few of those aliens form some sort of peaceful cohabitation with humans, be as pets, symbionts or some other way. Now will humanity survive? The RP will focus on members of military (and similar organizations) or those which will form some sort of connection with an alien which will allow them to fight back. We will start by an introduction post, which will follow the day (or night) of the characters up to a few minutes to the start of the shower at their latitude. Then we shall proceed to the bombardment, getting to a safe place and finally the aftermath scenes. Until this point you can even have and use a temp character that will be disposed off in the aftermath. After the aftermath we shall proceed onwards until the part at which humanity or is defeated, manages to hold off the aliens or eradicates them all from the face of the Earth. That will mark the end of StarFall The Arrival and the start of a continuation RP! This RP will: Have Aliens, Catastrophic Events, Life & Death Situations, Superpowers. Be happening on Earth. This RP might: Have anything not listed bellow. This RP will not: Have IC one liners. As for where the RP will take place, that range from: 1. All over the world 2. In one state (preferably a single time zone one) 3. Inside single city I leave this up to you. Voice what range and what country/city you favor! Questions and anything that isn't spam is OK to be posted!