I clearly made this character because everyone else was getting there's pre-approved by Azereiah and I didn't want to feel left out. [hider=Honehe] [b]Name:[/b] Honehe Bitter-Tooth [b]Appearance:[/b] Honehe is a 6’5 walking talking wolf-like monster. He is covered head to toe in thick grey hair, which he keeps well groomed. His eyes are brown. His hands are humanoid in nature, capable of gripping like any person while retaining wolf-like nails, and his legs are more akin to a wolf’s hind legs. The array of sharp, vicious teeth in his mouth make it so that no matter how he smiles, he always looks a little sinister. Honehe wears light and loose fitting clothing, as wearing too much would only make him all the hotter due to his natural hair and coat. [hider=Picture] [img]https://kagesatsuki.files.wordpress.com/2016/11/161126_02.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Species:[/b] Monster, Lupine, ML [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Occupation:[/b] Student [b]Personality:[/b] Honehe comes from a place where humanity is unwelcome, but he has learned that it is better to treat your enemy with a thin veneer of politeness than to actively provoke them. Honehe has little love in his heart for humanity or anything resembling it, but he keeps his tongue in check around them and pretends he’s perfectly okay among their society. His façade is not impenetrable, and either asking too many questions or hanging around for too long will begin to betray the contempt beneath his words. Honehe is far more sociable depending on what species he is conversing with. As should be blatantly obvious, his fellow monsters are the perfect conversational partner for him. He will eagerly converse with them and attempt to endear himself to them. First and especially monstrous second generation Chimeras are tolerable, although they will be greeted with less enthusiasm. The more human-like the Chimera, the terser and more reserved his conversations with them shall be, and those that cannot be distinguished from humans will be treated as though they were. Aside from concerns of humanity and species, Honehe is a dedicated student with a genuine desire to learn more. He loves nothing more than the feeling of progressing and getting stronger. In spite of his disdain for them, Honehe is not averse to learning more about humanity and their society. He would never admit to his true reasons, but one could guess that he sees it as important to learn from one’s enemy. [i]Openness to Experience:[/i] 50 [i]Neuroticism:[/i] 40 [i]Agreeableness:[/i] 30 [i]Extroversion:[/i] 50 [i]Conscientiousness:[/i] 80 [b]Attributes:[/b] Strength: 7 Endurance: 5 Constitution: 5 Agility: 7 Dexterity: 2 Intelligence: 6 Wisdom: 4 Charisma: 4 [b]Magic Type Preference:[/b] Material Manipulation [b]Innate Magic Talent:[/b] Manipulating Earth and Rock [b]Interests:[/b] Exploring, Hunting, Learning, Picking at the flaws in human society [b]Skills:[/b] Running fast, Tearing flesh from bone, Finding things by scent [b]Biography:[/b] Honehe’s ancestors were originally a tribe of nomadic monsters that roamed around the continent. It wasn’t until his father’s generation that the tribe underwent a transformation. Having strayed too close to Airelosia in their travels, their tribe came under attack and suffered brutal losses. Aenohe, Honehe’s father, assumed leadership of the battered tribe and lead them to settle in the tribe’s fabled homeland in the mountains north of the Unoctocan Empire. There, he laid out a plan for them to found a nation that would bring together monsterkind from all over and form a people’s home for their own. Dubbing themselves the “Akamina Free Commune”, Aenohe intended to learn from human society to better the lives of his kin. He would assimilate technology, systems, and other beneficial ideas while attempting to maintain the otherwise monstrous identity of his people. His people included both Monsters and Chimeras that could be decidedly identified as at least partially monstrous, a policy that earned him the ire of more than a few. While the Commune is neither large nor popular, it has attracted a small yet devoted following and possesses a great deal of natural resources that it trades with others. Few among the population of the Commune have anything but contempt for humanity, but Honehe has learned his father’s methods of treating with the enemy. He grew up absorbing his father’s personal philosophies and ideas, and he always told him that the only way to succeed was to learn, even from those that you couldn’t stand. Honehe’s experiences with humankind were from watching his father wheel and deal with travellers, merchants and others, always coming out smelling of roses and acquiring a beneficial deal for the Commune. While he could never master his finesse at masking his intentions, he certainly learned how to pretend he wasn’t tempted to just spit on the humans he met. He also picked up his father’s refined manner of speech and tries to mirror his elaborate vocabulary when he can. Honehe personally preferred to spend his time roaming around the environment near the Commune. He loved nothing more than to poke through old caves and find things that lay forgotten. It was during his travels that he discovered his penchant for manipulating the earth around him. While initially pleased with his discovery, he soon became apprehensive when Aenohe broached the idea of going to study magic abroad. Honehe had no desire to live in human society, no matter what there was to learn, but Aenohe soon won him over with his pragmatic reasoning. There was something to be gained by studying the human’s methods of using magic, he was told, and he agreed that it would be a good idea to learn them so they might benefit their own people. Thus, Aenohe used his business contacts and influence to arrange for Honehe to attend Mordhaben’s, with sizable “donations” being offered to those open to helping an outsider gain admission. [/hider]