[center][IMG]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Mali%20Anson&name=Chris%27s%20Handwriting.ttf&size=50&style_color=D5FF00[/IMG] [hr][b]Location:[/b] Diamond District [hr][hr][/center] Yeah, Helga was exactly what she had expected her to be. Yeah it was bad to conjure up a stereotypical prejudice of who a person was based solely on their name, profession and the barest of descriptions, but come on. Why even work at a massage parlor doing deep tissues massages and be named something like Helga if you weren't some sort of brawn hilda. The chainsmoker voice was a smidgen unexpected, however: Mali's imagination only went so far as to input a thick German accent. [color=D5FF00]"Sorry, it took me a bit to realize I'd forgotten to press the button."[/color] A lie, but was it really important for her masseuse to know that she was pacing around the room like a psycho thinking about conspiracies and Ancient civilizations? No, it was easier and faster to just fudge the truth. Mali chuckled at Helga's possible joke about not being able to perform a massage when there was no tissue to work with, but at the same time there was some nervousness deeper in her psyche triggered by the "snapping like a twig" line. Every new thing she learned about Helga indicated that the coming massage would be highly intense at the least. However, she was determined to ride it out as best as she could. It might just be an ego thing, but she wanted to avoid having to ask Helga to lighten up if at all possible.