[center][hr][url=https://fontmeme.com/cool-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171210/ec82ff83bed1b5364f94dab3b09e89f3.png[/img][/url][hr][color=B22222][h3]Centre Point - Friday Evening[/h3] [sup][@Silver Fox] specifically[/sup][/color][hr][/center] Dread wasn't a common feeling for Jamal. For an over 6 feet tall, muscular man with thick bones and great strength, it simply wasn't encountered. The average man couldn't bring harm to him and he wasn't a pushover when it came to a fight. In most situations, he'd be able to roughhouse his way through and would occasionally use his brain to overcome obstacles. It was how he went through police academy, how he became one of the better undercover police officers in the force and how he became the man he was today. Also, the man is a very controlled person. He can control his emotions and isn't one to bumble around like an idiot. He walked with a purpose, he ate with a purpose, he slept with a purpose. He took no shit from anyone but he could control expressions on his face to the smallest detail. Unfortunately, this was no normal situation and the look of surprise on his face as he looked up was priceless. If one could take a frame by frame of his face alone, it would turn into surprise then anger then fear and then a sudden exhaustion that can only come from a man who has been mentally drained the entire evening. Poor Jamal. He glared at the offending mistletoe but quickly wiped it away as he looked back at the woman (he figured it out when he bumped into her) in front of him. Child may have been a better description, at least personality wise. She felt as bubbly and warm as he last saw her in the crowd. Cute was one way to describe her, despite all the scars on her face. One might even call attractive though very tall. But right now, she was an obstacle. The mistletoe was an obstacle. They were all obstacles before his goal and he was known to brute force his way through obstacles. He wiped his emotions away before setting into character, letting his eyes take a mischievous glint. It was almost like a switch was turned on, a sudden character change in the middle of a situation. Some idiots might say he was suddenly possessed by a ghost. But to Jamal, this was acting and he was very good at it. [color=IndianRed]"Well. What a situation we find ourselves in aye?"[/color] He said in his deep baritone voice, fake but convincing mirth in his tone. He took one glance at the group behind her and his approaching companion. They hadn't seen each other yet which was an absolute godsend. He had to make this quick. [color=IndianRed]"Name's Jamal."[/color] Before she could go halfway through introducing herself, Jamal softly grabbed her chin and pulled her towards him. He had a concentrated, intense gaze in his eyes. He leaned forwards for the kiss. What a fucking night for Jamal.