[h2]Sir Tyaethe Radistirin[/h2] Eyeing the battlefield, things were mostly going to plan--the orcs backed away from the bloodstained lunatic that had carved a troll apart with all the finesse the brutes themselves liked to display. The captain was under attack but any magical threats were being countered by their own magic users. The trouble, such as it was, lay in their reserves having already rushed in--so this would have to be the entirety of the enemy force. That, and a knight in perilous danger... There wasn't time to think about it, but there was time to move, to run through the battlefield and intercept--the easiest choice, and safest; block this troll like the one that she had before. Only, she didn't--moving as fast as possible at the troll, the paladin didn't consider breaking, meeting the unstable creature's swing with the full force of her body and causing it to overbalance, unable to feel the force and appropriately retain its footing. Implausibly, the troll had been knocked onto its rear. Which put its roaring maw within easy range for a sword to the back of the throat, adding another to the body pile. "Can you walk?"