[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/CSYtNSM.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/7FK8s7M.png[/img] [@Ogobrogo], [@Lord Sawsaw2] [sub]Luna Lake Shoreline - Opposite Luna Crescente ---> Luna Crescente Square[/sub] [hr] [/center] As Dreadlin is about to head back to civilization alongside old Pan, Eloise voiced her concerns over the monsters that had shown up as she tries to catch up. [i]"Waaaaait! Do you even know where you're going?! And what if the monsters come back?"[/i] The lizardman paused briefly before turning to the little girl with a confident grin. [color=39b54a][b]"Monstas?"[/b][/color] he asks jokingly before looking around comedically, [color=39b54a][b]"Wot monstas?"[/b][/color] And with that, he simply continued walking. [hr] Within what felt to be several hours had passed before Dreadlin finally reached Luna Crescente's town square. He was tired and needed a place to rest after all that traveling on foot. He could've easily transformed into some flying creature to fly his way back... if only had such a creature in his archival possession. If only had he caught that Wyvern back by the lake, he definitely would've achieved it. What's worse, he seems to have lost sight of Pan, whom separated either out of his own will or he got lost. Considering how unpredictable the old geezer can be, it's almost impossible to consider which was true. But alas, the lizardmen arrived just in time, as the guild leaders of both Harpy's Wing and Golem's hand began to announce the S-Class trials. Already it became clear that this event was going to be different from all the others... with a CO-OP of both guilds? He wasn't that keen on working alongside the opposing guild, but if that's what it takes, then he might as well do it. There's also a Proving stage, the main stage, and then the tournament stage, three major parts in total. Looks like he has to assemble a team. But the question is... with whom?