[hider=Prologue]"You've made quite a reputation in Dawson today, Mister...?" "Adams. Now I gotta confess, I didn't think I'd make myself known in such a crime heavy town today, ma'am. This place is twice the size of St. Louis, and I didn't think there was a sheriff's office period." The gentlemen took off his hat to reveal dark brown, dusty hair, pulling out a cigarette from his pocket, and lighting it. "Well, you're looking at her, Mister Adams." The man known as Mister Adams looked up at her with green eyes, and laughed a bit. "Did you know, that I was born here, in the early years of this settlement? My mommy and daddy were hardworkin' folks. They were blacksmiths, didn't mind anyone, and just wanted a nice place to live. Dawson looked promising." The woman let him continue speaking, which made the man lean forward now, taking a long intake of his cigarette. "Richard Dawson, the 'saint of the west' murdered my parents. Right in front of me. All because they sold some material to some Indian wanderers. Made 'em beg for their lives, 'Pray to the Almighty Lord in Heaven' He said. They pleaded, my mother held me, my father, a prideful man, threw that all away so that he could live. After all that's happened, he says to 'em 'He's not gonna help you today, I'm God around here.' and..." He imitates shooting a gun twice, staring into the eyes of the woman sheriff. He slowly lowered his hand and leaned back. "I don't see what this has to do with today's crime--" "Richard Dawson's days are numbered, Sheriff. It's only a matter of time before I make him beg, make him cry his 'saintly' tears out, and I watch him beg for his life, just like my parents did. Now I can just tell that you're a woman out there tryin' to make a difference. I'm not the only person here with parent issues, right? He's probably done some horrible, horrible things. His friends can do whatever they want in this god forsaken town, but the financial opportunities outweigh the dangers for simple, innocent folks." The sheriff watched the man take another drawl from his cigarette. "So you committed multiple crimes here to make a point or something?" "I got caught so I could talk to you. Because I know you're the only honest lawman here. Now your deputies might be crooked as a rodeo clown's back, but you have some power over 'em. I'm offering some advice. Let my crew and I get this job done, and you will have a clean and happy city in no time." She laughed a bit, and the man known as Mr. Adams laughed with her. "It seems a bit hypocritical don't you think? Why would I try to stop crime by letting you and your boys do whatever the hell they want?" "That's a fair point, sheriff. I'm not going to tell you how to do your job. Hell, you can come after us, and fight us, but know that we won't stop at nothin' until that demon is hanged high for all to see. Do what you need to, Sheriff." And with that, Mr. Adams flicked his cigarette towards the barred window, where a sudden pop and hiss was heard in the room. The man flipped the table up and kicked the sheriff's chair back to cover them both just in time for the wall to explode in a loud "BOOM!" The sheriff coughed and wheezed as she looked around, pulling her gun out. She heard her deputies yelling and trying to open the door to the room, but it wouldn't be any use. "This isn't your fault, ma'am. But when Richard Dawson comes by and asks you what happened, you can tell him that Henry Leopold Adams and every other man and woman he's destroyed is coming for him. The sheriff stared in shock, her eyes going wide. "You're the Coyote." Leo Adams, known as the Coyote simply grinned and winked at her before he climbed through the hole in the wall, disappearing in the chaos.[/hider] I'm back, and have been thinking about a story about a bunch of men and woman, good or bad, wanting revenge on one person that they think is the worst man in the Wild West: Richard Dawson. He's the richest man in the West, taking a small town and making it a large, bustling western-metropolis, with casinos, saloons, ferry's, farms, etc. The town is full of criminals, and there is no sense of law or "good-doing." Innocent people are killed, raped, tortured for no reason. It is advertised as the "Best in the West" to the Easterners, but that is far from the truth. A man is trying to recruit people who Dawson has wronged in the past, because he too has a history with the man. It will take all of these members to come together and work to take Richard Dawson down. It won't be that easy though. They have to take smaller jobs to get to him, by taking out his "lawmakers", lawyers, hitmen, the list goes on. Not everyone in this team will be morally good or bad, they could have any reason to hunt down Dawson, they just need to hate him enough to not give in to the money or power he offers... It'll be like a super ridiculous action movie with drama, and romance, and adventure, and stuff like that! With that said, this will probably be a Medium Group RP, it all depends on how much interest this gets XD is anyone interested SO FAR? Any questions, or suggestions I will happy answer/respond to via PM or in this thread! EDIT: Changed a few minor errors in the Prologue