[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171202/fe6af6d9dc9643e51945b951ff2ccefc.png[/img] [sup]Current Location: Flour Meadough, Friday Evening - Interacting With: Victor - Mentioned: No One[/sup] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJVFHn5KZH8[/youtube][/center] [color=f7941d][b]"Oh no, sorry, I’m not here for the bakery. I was uhh, told to come here and uhh, ask for Derek Thompson."[/b][/color] [color=gray]Olivia frowned after his statement, although it was not one of disappointment as much as of it was of a confused stare. Why was this strange man acting for Olivia's father? Olivia had never met this man in her past, but he knew her father's name and was looking for him.[/color] [color=f7941d][b]"I’m not looking for handouts or anything, but my mother told me this was a good place to start looking for my father."[/b][/color] [color=gray]The man continued, leaving Olivia even more baffled towards his statements. Olivia wasn't sure what to think, and her grandmother wasn't here to help her granddaughter with this strange man looking for his father--Olivia's father. A moment passed with Olivia--still expressing her confusion--decided to speak.[/color] [color=springgreen][b]"...Why don't you come inside for a moment? I'll fetch some tea and biscuits."[/b][/color] [color=gray]Olivia explained, leaving the door open for the stranger and directing him to a nearby table. Meanwhile, Olivia went behind the counter, and filled a kettle full of water to let it boil over the stove.[/color] [color=springgreen][b]"So, what's your name? Forgive me for not asking earlier. It just isn't every day someone shows up asking for my father."[/b][/color] [color=gray]Olivia spoke, pouring the now hot water over a fresh teabag and letting it steep as she fetched a few English biscuits and some other flaky goods on a tray. Once the tea was ready, Olivia poured it into two cups--one for herself and one for the stranger. Placing the cups on the tray, Olivia walked back over towards the table and set the tray down with some plates, placing a few of the baked goods on each plate beside the tea cup.[/color] [color=springgreen][b]"My name is Olivia."[/b][/color] [color=gray]Olivia responded, taking a bite from a biscuit and a sip of tea.[/color] [color=springgreen][b]"How does it taste? My grandmother and I made a bit too much earlier, so these are the leftovers."[/b][/color] [color=gray]Olivia asked, before taking a quick glance to the clock. It would be a long ride to the city hall, and the bus would only come at a certain time.[/color] [hr] [center][@ReusableSword][/center]