[hider=Eirread][center][hr][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjk2LjAwMDAwMC5SV2x5Y21WaFpBLCwuMQ,,/tobaccoroadnf.regular.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/2ExNukH.jpg[/img] [hr][/center] [hider=General Info][center]flavor image here[/center] ◤ [sub]O V E R V I E W[/sub] ◢ [color=gray][list][abbr=Rhymes with Myriad]Eirread[/abbr] is easily the most inhospitable place in Magnaria -- A flurry of sleet, snow, and hailstones fall from the sky almost constantly, while on the ground geysers burst with lava, boiling water, and poisonous clouds of gas. Cuisine incorporates one of the four animals that can survive in the climate -- hares, horses, seals, and fish -- and the month of the lunar equinox is called "The Long Sleep" for the Eirra because they are unable to leave their homes without almost immediately freezing to death. Indeed, one would be hard-pressed to find a fouler corner of Magnaria, though the land is not without its own pleasant culture and customs. The Eirra are known for their baked goods, teas, stews, and seafood, as well as their many fables. Aside from their food and folk stories, the Eirra have a strong faith in their sun god, Yorgid.[/list][/color] ◤ [sub]R U L I N G H O U S E[/sub] ◢ [color=gray][list]House Hafrek[/list][/color] ◤ [sub]E T H N I C P E O P L E S[/sub] ◢ [color=gray][list]The Eirra are a short, pale, wiry-haired race of men that have survived the arctic winds of their homeland for centuries. They are almost always black-haired, though dark brown or even sandy brown hair is not unheard of. The men and women alike frequently have unibrows or sideburns by the time they are adolescents, stereotyping them as a cartoonishly furry in foreign plays and stories. They have flat, round faces, with brown eyes almost permanently locked into a squint due to their country's strong winds. Because most Eirra are typically one missed meal away from malnourishment, they are a short, sinewy people, commonly likened to weasels or rats by foreigners wishing to call them something derogatory. They have diets that are high in meat, butter, and cheese, and have difficulty digesting large amounts of vegetables or grain. Closer to The Cinderfields, one in ten Eirra are born with birth defects, and either adapt to their handicap as they grow or are "given to the sea elves" in the Singing Sea. Some of the Eirra do not so quickly shun their disfigurement; There is a banner house within the Cinderfields that has hereditary disposition to Ectrodactyly, and another to blindness.[/list][/color] ◤ [sub]C U L T U R E[/sub] ◢ [color=gray][list]- -[/list][/color] ◤ [sub]R E L I G I O N[/sub] ◢ [color=gray][list]Sunbois[/list][/color] ◤ [sub]E C O N O M Y[/sub] ◢ [color=gray][list]Eirread, like many poor countries across the globe, keeps itself out of bankruptcy by spending very little. There is virtually nothing to trade in Eirread; Their crops, while edible, are hardly as large or as tasty as those grown in the south. Their mountains, while rich in salt, coal, and bronze, contain almost no gems or precious metals. Aside from their three small mining exports, Eirread has no other trade.[/list][/color] ◤ [sub]M I L I T A R Y[/sub] ◢ [color=gray][list]- -[/list][/color] [/hider] [hider=Ruling House][center]sigil image here[/center] ◤ [sub]H E A D O F H O U S E[/sub] ◢ [color=gray][list]Valdemar Hafrek, King of Eirread and Keeper of the White Gate[/list][/color] ◤ [sub]M E M B E R S[/sub] ◢ [color=gray][list]List 'em[/list][/color] ◤ [sub]W O R D S[/sub] ◢ [color=gray][list]"Dutiful until Death" [sub]Eirread is too inhospitable a land to afford having incompetent or errant rulers, and so the Hafreks are notoriously serious about their duties as the country's ruling monarchs. Historically, many Hafrek kings have killed or disowned heirs deemed unworthy.[/sub] [/list][/color] ◤ [sub]S E A T[/sub] ◢ [color=gray][list]- -[/list][/color] ◤ [sub]H E I R L O O M[/sub] ◢ [color=gray][list]Name [sub]Flavor text if needed[/sub][/list][/color] ◤ [sub]T H E M E S[/sub] ◢ [color=gray][list]- -[/list][/color] ◤ [sub]H I S T O R Y[/sub] ◢ [color=gray][list]- -[/list][/color] ◤ [sub]S U B J E C T S[/sub] ◢ [color=gray][list]List 'em. Most powerful vassal is to be played by other players unless it's not filled by IC launch.[/list][/color] [/hider][/hider]