Signod was slightly impressed by the speed, competence and apparent coordination the bizarre mismatched group that made up the Barnaby Brothers was demonstrating these first few seconds after being ambushed. It made him quite glad he hadn't let them fool him into believing they were just an innocent group of travelers having a fateful encounter all by happenstance. Fortunately, it also seemed Signod's reaction time had been quick enough to avoid getting accidentally caught up in the middle of the brawl. Now, he was a decent enough distance away that he hopefully would have plenty of warning if a member of either bandit group mistook him for belonging to the other group and decided a headlong charge was in order. Part of him (the smarter part that he never paid enough attention to) wanted to turn tail and keep right on fleeing off into the night and put this whole bad bit of business behind him. He even started to take another few tentative steps away, yet something stalled him. Now that he thought about it, the leader of the Barnaby Brothers [i]had[/i] mentioned the fallen star right before going on the attack. She might end up being the one he needed to ask to get this quest on the right track. It might be a good plan to wait for this scuffle to finish and hope the elf didn't get too dead to answer a few questions. Elves were so frail, after all, and had quite a bit of trouble out in the world with not getting dead. With a small sigh to himself, Signod held his position, still armed and ready to meet any unfortunate bandit who decided he was easy pickings with some of his best advanced 'negotiation' tactics. [hider=Very brave. Much courage. So battle. Wow.] Signod stops retreating and readies another action to shooty shooty any bandit who crosses his path. [/hider] [@The Harbinger of Ferocity]