Srsly last day to post. With 4 ppl that have not yet. I'm not a happy GM. [@Forett], your getting an extension Til Thursday. As you have been waiting on Vesuvius00 and she has not bothered to post. [@LovelyAnastasia] [@Vesuvius00] Please do not wait until the last second to post again. This warning is towards both of you. If I do not receive a reply or a post before tommorrow night when the timer hits day 8. It's going to get hairy. More so- I mean. Waiting until the last day is not fair to the rest of the Rp. I know you have lives and I respect that. But you also. Cannot hold off to this last minute without a word to your GM. I've been having several people doing it and I'm putting my foot down. [@Belle] I know you have a lot going on and I can make allowances. But deary. Your character isn't going to die. You can get out of it and Panther is there to help you. Completely in character too. I know it seems bad but you can do this. So take a step back, breathe and think about it.