[img]http://rs998.pbsrc.com/albums/af107/Beta-Maxis/AnimeZombieGirl_zpsab702274.jpg?w=280&h=210&fit=crop[/img] "Name?" "Um, Saki.... Saki Monmida." "Looks like you're one of us. You a refugee?" "Wh-what? No! I, er...." "Ya got the look. Got infected, family turned ya out. Happens every day. Was it that 'triple gay' thing again?" "Y-yes...." "Sheesh, yeah, that one's been goin' around. Whatever wizard came up with that is a real joker, ehh? Go on through." "Uhh, okay then...." The zombie administrator's gravelly voice shook Saki's bones when he spoke. Would her voice end up being that way, too?! It was still high pitched and girly for now, but what if her body kept decaying.... it better not get like that! The girl started to walk out of the little building where travelers were being processed, but then stopped and turned around. "Hey, uh, mister.... I don't, well.... I don't really know where to go," she said sheepishly. The older zombie gave her a pitied look, like she was a lost puppy. Which was pretty much accurate. "Yeah? Well, the king is giving some speech today. Follow the crowds, can't miss it. Ask me.... wait 'til it's done, then try for an audience with him. Play up the cutesy stuff, maybe he'll give you some cash to get started, or a job sweeping up body parts, or something." "Sweeping up--body parts?!" "Yeah, you know. The ones that fall off of us? All the time? Everywhere? No civilized society walks around in its own limbs." "Eeek!!" Saki looked at her own arms and legs to make sure they were still attached. They were--for now! She better get moving and get to the king before they fell off! Fleeing from the building and out into the streets, she did as the man suggested and followed the throngs of slow-moving dead towards whatever public square the king was speaking from. Though she was faster than most of them on account of her youth, Saki still couldn't help but notice how painfully sluggish her movements seemed, she felt like she was out-and-out sprinting yet really she couldn't go any faster than a regular person's jog. At the same time, though, she didn't have to worry about getting tired or catching her breath.... Which was good, because her breath was probably horrible! At least she couldn't smell it anyways! "Agh! I hate being dead!"