It was amazing really. Fascinating. Not only did the Federation have this technology that could replicate anything to eat and drink but apparently they also had transmat beaming technology as well. In those aspects they were so far advanced compared to the Commonwealth. The theories of transmat beaming - teleporting from one location to another - were just that: theories. No one had gotten to the stage of it actually being able to happen and here they were on a ship that was capable of it. Rommie was so fascinated with it. She probably would have dug as much information out of Nex as she could - except Gaheris would undoubtedly give her a look or something. So she kept her intrigue to herself. The information about the ship's computer was also interesting. She wondered how advanced it would be. Was it like her? Was it true artificial intelligence? Or was it just a programming without the capability to adapt, to learn - well at the level of true AI. "Thank you, Nex." Gaheris nod was polite. "We appreciate it." He watched as she left, his gaze catching Worf's for a moment before the alien also left. Once the door closed he turned toward the computer. "You know, for a Nietzschean, I would think you would take the opportunity provided and try to be a bit more cooperative." Rommie kept her hands clasped behind her as she studied her first officer. There was no emotion just logical statement in her statement. "You need them to survive." Gaheris gave her a look before turning back to the computer. "Computer, do we have privacy or is this room being recorded?" He inquired. "There is no recording currently at your location. Would you like to make a recording?" The female automated voice replied. "No. Is there a way to put up a privacy screen?" "Please elaborate on your question." The computer. "You know, I doubt that would be very helpful. That might even raise a flag and have them just listen in." Rommie walked up beside him. She glanced at the wall monitor before turning back to him. "Commander, you have to face the fact if they want to hurt us or listen in - then they will. I say that they don't mean us ill intent. For now." "For now is what I'm concerned about." Gaheris turned and looked at her. "Their security officer doesn't like us. Their first officer is highly suspicious. They might try something or get rid of us." "Why?" Rommie looked at him. "Logically that makes no sense. Are you sure you aren't paranoid?" Gaheris gave her a look. "We have to be prepared for anything." His hand went to his side. Rommie's eyes followed it. "You should rest. Your healing capabilities would work better while you sleep. Though, they seem to do a decent job patching you up." "You seem impressed with them. And this isn't the only time." Gaheris raised an eyebrow at her. The android shrugged. "They have a lot of things we don't. In some ways, they are more advanced. Others," she shrugged. "I'm not sure yet. Though, they aren't that large of a civilization so they I think we have further travel capabilities." "We don't tell them our technology or what you are," Gaheris ordered. "Am I allowed to mingle with them, Commander?" Gaheris shot the android a look. There was almost a hint of sarcasm in her tone. She had been programmed well. "Yes. But be careful what you say." Rommie gave a nod. She turned and moved toward the door. "Then unless you object, I'm going to this ten-forward. It would be logical to see what it's about. Maybe learn a bit." She turned back to him. "[b][i]You[/i][/b] should rest." "I prefer you don't tonight. They probably expect us to rest. And in reality, if you were..." He paused not trusting the room to be completely secure. "You get the concept." Rommie raised an eyebrow and then swiftly turned to the door. "Understood. See you in the morning, Commander. Unless you would like me to guard your door?" That last comment seemed almost uncharacteristic of a machine but it was said without any look that would have backed up the slight feeling Gaheris had that she was being sarcastic. No. Just logical no doubt. He was a member of her crew. And apparently, even though he had mutined against the captain she still thought of him as such and thus his safety was her concern. "No." He waved her off. He was a light sleeper and honestly, despite his pessimism, he didn't see them as the type to try something stupid in the middle of the night. There were some who might but they didn't come off like that. "Alright," Rommie gave a nod and left leaving Gaheris alone with his thoughts. [center] ~ ~ ~ [/center] Picard nodded to Riker. "Rightly so, Number One. We don't want to cause a rift between the two or raise flags. In fact, we don't really want them to think we are a threat - as we don't mean them harm. Hopefully, we can come to a reasonable cooperation with them. But I concur. That works. Perhaps between you and Beverly, we can help alleviate some of their concerns. Though, I would like to get Nex's thoughts on this. She undoubtedly picked up something from them. If they have hostile intent - which I doubt - she'd undoubtedly know." "So that will be the plan then. First thing tomorrow, we'll have Beverly relook over our injured guest from there, we can have Data show him around and then work with Geordi. Though," Picard looked at Riker. "Do speak with Data - if you weren't already planning too. He is a good officer but sometimes a bit naive." He didn't elaborate on that or how Riker was to speak with Data or what to say - no, he trusted his first officer to know what to do. The man was more than capable. He headed toward the door. They still didn't know where they were at and though it might seem like their guests could know, they still could look around a bit. Rommie had said something about this possibly being a Commonwealth System. IF they weren't a different universe, an interesting phenomenon in its own right, then there might be some indication. Checking out the nearby planets wouldn't take them too far from here and be as good of a start as any. [center] ~ ~ ~ [/center] The next morning came quickly. Gaheris was a bit surprised at the suggestion to get a follow up with the doctor. He probably would have protested if it wasn't for the fact that there really wasn't a use. He would be fine but he was also Nietzschean and survival was everything. If going to the doctor for a follow-up that wouldn't really bother him meant eliminating even a minute risk, then that would be fine. It wasn't like he had much to do otherwise. Though, Commander Riker offering to provide Rommie a tour in the duration was a bit surprise. He almost stopped her but after studying the two nodded. "That would be a good idea. After I finish up with the doctor I'm sure Data and I will catch up." He hadn't met the man yet. The officer going to meet up with him in sickbay. Not that he was going alone. The ever friendly head of security would be with him. Gaheris almost hoped the alien would ask him to fight. He was very curious about the strength and skills of the man. Though he knew that a fight wouldn't be in either's best interest at the moment. Giving a nod, he let the Klingon lead him away leaving Rommie alone with Commander Riker. The woman watched Gaheris go for a moment before she turned back to the Enterprise's first officer. "I appreciate the tour," she said almost formal like, no major emotions showing. "Your ship seems fascinating and I'd love to learn more about her. I presume it's a her?" Most ships were but not all. [i]The Balance of Judgement[/i] was male. And there were others. But overall, they were referred as female.