[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=#9370DB]Nancy Parker[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://s33.postimg.org/ntqrkwdbj/tumblr_onkbk2_Af9_O1vuk4i6o1_250.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Ville au Camp: Main House (Room 205)[/center][hr] While there were last minute preparations in order for [i]that[/i], that wasn't the only reason that Nancy was waiting outside of Giouse's door. No, there was a more practical reason as well, beyond a mild bit of mischief that ideally, Alicia would be just as clueless about as Eve. The secondary purpose was to get some tea or coffee - either would do for breakfast. And regardless as to which one, she'd end up drowning the liquid in sugar. There once was a time where she would simply eat sugar cubes straight. [i]Okay[/i], if she was to be perfectly honest, she [i]still[/i] did that. She followed Giouse down the hall, smirking a bit as he rigged up the contraction. There was a reason why she had been able to masquerade as a god of mischief back in the Viking Age. [color=#9370DB]"Excellent,"[/color] Nancy said approvingly. Giouse kept a stash of prank items and Nancy was glad to see them put to good use. She whistled for a moment, waiting for the idea to come to her. Perhaps an exploding cigar? Though those were mostly useful for either Eve or any Paradox with a bit of a penchant for tobacco. [color=#9370DB]"Perhaps trip wire, rigged to cover them with feathers?"[/color] Nancy whispered, just in case any of the new Paradoxes were within earshot. She wasn't aware as to when exactly they would start to arrive - the later in the day, the better it would be for her and Gio's plans. They still had a costume to put together, along with some minor edits to the script. Of course, as for Alicia...Perhaps they could switch the tequila in her flask with hot sauce? No, there had to be better ideas than that. [color=#9370DB]"Or perhaps itching powder instead of feathers?"[/color] She tapped her foot for a moment, before grinning broadly once more. [color=#9370DB]"Switch a glass with a dribble at dinner?"[/color] A dribble glass was one of her favorite inventions of the 1910's. It was an ordinary glass by all appearances, only with hidden holes. Once the victim tilted it back to take a drink, the liquid would pour through the holes, dousing them.