• Appearance: [img]https://i.imgur.com/NQDtqsB.jpg[/img] • Name: Circe • Title: • Age: 16 • Species: Shifter • Abilities: Circe can assume the form of any organic creature. • Skills: Circe is semi proficient in both hand to hand combat and dual swords. • Inventory: Circe has two collapsed short swords attached to her forearms that she can flick her wrists and they popped out quickly. • Sample Post: Circe walked through the crowded city, she windowed shopped without actually checking the wares. Her ears were doing the real shopping, she enjoyed information, and the city was rife with it. Most of it was useless drivel, parents talking about their children in school, who was cheating on their spouse, even an illegal drug deal or two. None of this interested Circe to much. She gathered any pertinent information about any illegal money transfers, she had to make some living on the streets. She only ever robbed from drug dealers, and gangsters and most of it went back to the families in the area struggling. She turned down an alley to start heading home to plan her next move. Three men with daggers came from around the corner with lecherous grins on their faces. [color=ed1c24]"Hey sweetie, why don't you come here, we got something we want to show ya."[/color] An elf said to her. [color=39b54a]"Ya, you look like the kind of girl that enjoys having fun!!"[/color] A human said from the back. [color=f49ac2]"I have no time for filth such as yourself, I have prior arrangements that must been seen to."[/color] Circe responded coldly. [color=00aeef]"Bitch, we ain't the kind of people you ignore, now come here and take care of us!!"[/color] The elf said with a sneer. Liz plastered on the biggest fake smile she could. [color=f49ac2]"My, my, I do apologize gentlemen, where are my manners?? I shall assuredly take care of you."[/color] With a flick of the wrists her swords came out. The men confident in their numbers charged the young woman. The world around Circe slowly faded away and it became just the alley, the men, and herself. She allowed the criminals to get close to her before she struck, weaving in between all three men. As she passed she wasted no movement and sliced through all their legs. As the men fell to the ground cursing her Circe slid her blades back to her forearms. She didn't bother to return banter with the injured but continued on her way around the alley corner. She concentrated hard and felt her body begin to shrink, white fur grew in her body and a long leather tail extended out. To anyone passing her by, they most likely wouldn't have even seen the mouse climb into the sewer drain. A hour later, Circe was back in her home, a deserted subway station. She was about to collapse from the exhaustion of shifting but something caught her eye. A gilded envelope sat on her bed with her name on it. She picked it up and opened it. [color=fff79a][i]Dear Miss Circe, You have been accepted into Hikari Ryoden Academy, the semester starts soon, so please notify us with an answer of your intention of coming. We truly hope to see you here!! Headmaster. [/i][/color] Circe didn't bother reading on how to respond or get to the school, her shift drain had already pulled her to close to unconscious.