A holo image of a blond man dressed in a spaceguard uniform popped up above the dashboard. His face looked stern, but his voice was business-like though friendly as he spoke. "The spaceguard of Verindy received your distress-call." He spoke. "I see you are in suits. That's good. Are your suits holding?" Space suits, you had learned, Needed to be replaced every two years because the material could wear down after a while. Space suits were also expensive, however and many people neglected to replace them, especially on private shuttles. But Hensesn's family was not worried for money. These suits were up to par. "What is your position?" The man would ask and after you answered "How many are aboard? Is everyone suited up? What is your siruation? Has life support fully failed yet? (If not, turning it off now that you were suited would save a lot of energy). What happened? Are there injuries?"