The fierce black cat, snarling and salivating with wailing growls, did just as he always did - he went on the offensive, creating the breath of air the bloodied elf needed. It wasn't the first time he created a violent distraction, his jaws tearing at the hand of the man, and it probably would not be his last. Rising to stand now a palm of hers spread wide over the forest floor and swept upward as she called forth an ethereal friend of old, one from days long, long ago. Long before perhaps anyone else here, she imagined, but she hadn't forgot - not in the slightest. At first the called phantom arose from the leaf-littered earth like mist, its ghostly paws coalescing into shape again, head and tail following before the body itself became as close to solid as it could be. Still a spirit and not a thing, not like Jamil of Azalorn who it was but only a step behind, it glowed with an unearthly, soundless pale light in the moonlit forest; eyes glinting with pricks of smoking blue. Still bleeding, the woman took a step forward and caressed the ether, which seemed to staunch her wounds almost instantly, sending the bolt clinking to the ground, but not without a foot ready to dodge. The moment the wispy tendrils of the ghost cat touched her, she all but vanished, walking back carefully - using the frightening and sudden apparition as well as her living companion as distractions from her own defenses. Slipping behind a tree, she exhaled sharply at the still burning, albeit stopped wounds, driving the pain elsewhere and to other parts of her body. Snarling slightly, she raised her voice as a change began to overtake her. "For the rest of you," Shaedra began, concentrating upon her breathing, "Feel free to heal yourselves as well!" The spirit could only grin in response. [hider=Effects] Shaedra Galandoel stands and uses half of her movement. She then conjures up a [i]Healing Spirit[/i] just before her and takes the [i]Dodge[/i] action in the process, concentrating on the spell. She hopes that the apparent appearance of another enemy of the bandits enemies with the spirit will also help to momentarily distract them, perhaps even intimidate them that a spirit is present. Afterward, the druid steps forward into the aura, regaining [url=]1[/url] hit point from its presence then slips behind a nearby tree to break the attackers' line of sight and uses the presence of Jamil of Azalorn to hold them off. She then prepares to use [i]Wild Shape[/i] on her next turn, but will make an attack of opportunity against the first enemy who provokes from her if they encroach on her position. Any ally, all creatures other than the Barnaby Brother bandits, who move into the the [i]Healing Spirit's[/i] space for the first time on a turn, or start their turn there, regains 1d6 hit points. [/hider] [@Guardian Angel Haruki][@JBRam2002][@Pennydumb123][@rush99999][@ihinka][@Cu Chulainn][@0 Azzy 0]