[@Odin] I mean I agree that there's at least a chance to make it practical and maybe even community building. Just that no one ever seems to utilize in anyway that's different from anyone else. It's just seems to be bandwagon decision with more adding passwords because "oh hey, that's a neat idea." I mean that has to be why I see so many people type out like 10-30 rules to follow that could be shortened to under ten easily. Because "long lists of rules make me seem super serious." At least that's sort of the vibe I get. Hell, I'll even admit I'm part of the forum's "cultural" bandwagon. I never once color coded my work previously. Neither did anyone else, even though other roleplaying forums did have options to color text. But I do it now, even though it isn't really necessary. Some of the code is an effective way to format and change your writing to make the reading experience differ from a book. It's just bells and whistles, but I completely understand why people use it. Same with other things I see cropping up. I just feel like you could make a slippery slope argument when it comes to this stuff. (though far less serious of any real problem.) But let's say someone had the bright idea to give people a 20 question English quiz, to test the user's comprehension skills or something. It pertains to reading and skill level right? (maybe a Lore question quiz to make it more topical. Doing a harry potter or naruto RP? Make a quiz about it!) Is that a good idea? I know it's a silly question. (unless you happen to agree. <.<) But I ask what's the limit of hoops a GM is allowed to add to something that at the end of the day is suppose to be fun? Would you be okay with 10,000 word minimum test posts, that couldn't be used for the roleplay? (I ask because I was once forced to write thousands of words just to enter a 18+ section on a forum. So I can easily see people tacking on word lengths too. If that hasn't happened already.) If no, what limit is acceptable? Is one acceptable? Some people's threshold for tolerating wasted time may vary. If you can't use it for a roleplay, that's what it is... It's the GM's choice at the end of the day, but it's also not surprising that I see so many roleplays never get off the ground and that also usually falls on the GM too... (Just for clarification sake. I appreciate the work good GM's do. I've been one before and I'm well aware of the workload and even the forum's environment that likely makes your job harder. Sending love to those that as least try to be better and don't drop their own projects before anyone else does. <3)