[quote=@World Traveler] I just got asked not to apply because I supposedly broke some rules that were hidden in the raw link text of the character sheet post. [/quote] Of course. You're not denying it, you're just leaving that detail out, making up a more sympathetic reason for rejection (after being informed in very plain terms on the OOC) and owning up to it once I popped on this thread to point that out. My mistake. Anyway, I honestly don't think this is a matter of the site becoming less lenient towards people passing off the writing of others as their own. Every accepted character was accepted because they clearly read the rules, as evidenced by the quality of their sheets and correct writing sample. If you didn't find the writing sample, you didn't read the rules all the way. Furthermore, it might be impossible to view raw text on [i]your[/i] phone, but to say you can't view raw text on a phone is a sweeping overstatement. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/CdunIHs.png[/img][/center]