[quote=@Silver Carrot] I have absolutely no issue with GMs putting the last rule of the OOC as "If you have read these rules, put this in your CS". You'll be amazed how many people don't read the rules and get pissy when they get told off for breaking them as if 'How was I supposed to know the rules?' [/quote] My question to you, how important or useful was a password if you end up having almost no one that signed up catch it, so the person just accepts everyone anyway? [i]This has already happened.[/i] I'll admit I'm playing devil's advocate here, but newbies that switch forums likely didn't see/use passwords on other forums. So it might be a case of culture shock. I feel like if you put a password at all in your roleplaying, it should be inserted into the OOC text, which would prove they actually read it. Not buried in a hider in the CS. (which means they could still get the password, while skipping the OOC text.) [quote=@Silver Carrot] No, [b]it should be easy to find[/b] as long as you actually read the OOC. [b]Hiding a password isn't a measure to exclude lazy people[/b] and nobody else. [b]It's a measure to exclude almost everybody.[/b] [/quote] Also I can't tell if that was a Freudian slip through text. But those seem like contradictory statements. Is it easy to perform? Or is it meant to exclude almost everybody? And if both would that imply you don't have a lot of faith in the average forum user. :P I'd say it was a mistake (made twice in a row?) but you seem to imply/admit the password is a strong deterrent for most that share interest.