[quote=@Silver Carrot] "lack of unified leadership usually leads to different interpretations making it hard for us to know what is the core belief, right? :)" This is the problem with so many groups and movements nowadays. Feminism springs to mind. That's why we now have 'TIF's vs 'TERF's, and Feminists outright burning the books of other Feminists. [/quote] Well, yes and no? What you're describing is eating one's own and it is much more commonly done with people who are more violent in nature. But not excluding the more crazy people from anything. But it's not like movements or groups -don't- all have unifying ideas of some kind. Political and Non-Political. (I.E Fandoms) Otherwise they wouldn't have ever become a group. For instance, Feminists may differ in sex negative or sex positive, but you cannot be a feminist without believing in systematic patriarchy. None of the movements ideas could work without that underlying idea. I don't know if having a leader of a group would even theoretically be possible or remotely healthy behavior to make an individual "the christ figure" of their perspective group.