[quote=@Silver Carrot] I have absolutely no issue with GMs putting the last rule of the OOC as "If you have read these rules, put this in your CS". You'll be amazed how many people don't read the rules and get pissy when they get told off for breaking them as if 'How was I supposed to know the rules?' [/quote] I'm not amazed. I'm a GM. I advise people on GMing and I run my own RP's. The point is that most often times people will disregard the rules - whether they read them or not - because they think its OK. You know, putting a rule that says NO MARY SUES doesn't really help because when someone makes a Mary Sue, I'm 100% convinced they don't think it's a Mary Sue. Nobody sets out to write poorly. So, y'know, it doesn't even really help. It's the GM's job to look for quality and reasonableness and it's the players responsibility to try hard and be reasonable. No amount of key phrases is going to make a poor writer a better writer. That's why I abandon thread the moment I see a 'password.' I could go look for it but my inclusion of the password isn't going to make my CS better. However, one thing it does tell me is that the GM is lazy and can't be arsed to look for quality so looks for a catchphrase or password instead. [quote=@SleepingSilence][@Odin] I mean I agree that there's at least a chance to make it practical and maybe even community building. Just that no one ever seems to utilize in anyway that's different from anyone else. It's just seems to be bandwagon decision with more adding passwords because "oh hey, that's a neat idea." I mean that has to be why I see so many people type out like 10-30 rules to follow that could be shortened to under ten easily. Because "long lists of rules make me seem super serious." At least that's sort of the vibe I get.[/quote] You just can't seem to reasonably make a point without stepping over the boundaries of what is considered reasonable discussion right? I have a 'long' list of rules. On my 1x1, I have 12 do's and don'ts. Is that too much? Maybe that's the point - to weed out those who think I'm too demanding? The 'vibe' you get doesn't really seem based in reality. If you want feel free to point our 3-4 RP's that are active right now that do this. [quote=@SleepingSilence]Hell, I'll even admit I'm part of the forum's "cultural" bandwagon. I never once color coded my work previously. Neither did anyone else, even though other roleplaying forums did have options to color text. But I do it now, even though it isn't really necessary. Some of the code is an effective way to format and change your writing to make the reading experience differ from a book. It's just bells and whistles, but I completely understand why people use it. Same with other things I see cropping up.[/quote] Irrelevant. I don't like the colors so I don't do it. That's my decision as an RPer. You don't have to follow this ''cultural bandwagon'' you talk about - that's a choice. That you follow along is your own problem, not mine. Doesn't even relate to the discussion because right from the start you misunderstood why people include rules and passwords and therefore your entire paragraph here is just not required. [quote=@SleepingSilence]I just feel like you could make a slippery slope argument when it comes to this stuff. (though far less serious of any real problem.) But let's say someone had the bright idea to give people a 20 question English quiz, to test the user's comprehension skills or something. It pertains to reading and skill level right? (maybe a Lore question quiz to make it more topical. Doing a harry potter or naruto RP? Make a quiz about it!) Is that a good idea? I know it's a silly question. (unless you happen to agree. <.<) But I ask what's the limit of hoops a GM is allowed to add to something that at the end of the day is suppose to be fun?[/quote] Well, I don't think that's a good idea - people who don't know a lot about the setting can still be valuable assets. I've experienced this as I happened to run Naruto RP's for the longest time. As it so happens, a lot of non-Naruto watchers are good at roleplaying it with a helping hand. That's the beauty of it - I never said I want passwords to be banned or disappear entirely. I said I abandon ship. People are free to put in passwords (or in this example, quizzes) but I just won't join. That they want to include it is their decision - and me not going along with is mine. To answer your (stupid) question: a GM is allowed to add infinite hoops for players to jump through. That nobody will join is their problem, but they have the right to add as many or little hoops as they want. Saying otherwise is idiocy. [quote=@SleepingSilence]Would you be okay with 10,000 word minimum test posts, that couldn't be used for the roleplay?[/quote] Yes. 10.000 words isn't that much for me, but I understand it is for others. It's irrelevant though - whether you wrote 10 or 10.000, the answer would be yes. And 100.000.000 would be a yes too. Because it's not my RP. I don't decide what the test post length is - I just have to fill it in. And you know, 'no' is an answer too. I can decide not to fill it in. Their loss. So yes I'm OK with it. [quote=@SleepingSilence](I ask because I was once forced to write thousands of words just to enter a 18+ section on a forum. So I can easily see people tacking on word lengths too. If that hasn't happened already.)[/quote] epic xd [quote=@SleepingSilence]If no, what limit is acceptable? Is one acceptable? Some people's threshold for tolerating wasted time may vary. If you can't use it for a roleplay, that's what it is...[/quote] You asked that before and the answer is the same - any limit is acceptable. You decide yourself whether you want to jump through that hoop or not. Such as the case here - a hidden password. I'd not jump through that hoop but the hoop is acceptable. [quote=@SleepingSilence]It's the GM's choice at the end of the day, but it's also not surprising that I see so many roleplays never get off the ground and that also usually falls on the GM too...[/quote] Did- did you just answer your own question? Did you just say it's the GM's choice? Jesus fucking christ. Why write me a 20.000 word essay about why it's unacceptable only to answer your own question. Really, I mean this in the best way possible. Get some fucking help. [quote=@SleepingSilence](Just for clarification sake. I appreciate the work good GM's do. I've been one before and I'm well aware of the workload and even the forum's environment that likely makes your job harder. Sending love to those that as least try to be better and don't drop their own projects before anyone else does. <3) [/quote] Now this, this is just gay. Sending love to people? Jesus christ. [quote=@DeadbeatWalking] Of course. You're not denying it, you're just leaving that detail out, making up a more sympathetic reason for rejection (after being informed in very plain terms on the OOC) and owning up to it once I popped on this thread to point that out. My mistake. Anyway, I honestly don't think this is a matter of the site becoming less lenient towards people passing off the writing of others as their own. Every accepted character was accepted because they clearly read the rules, as evidenced by the quality of their sheets and correct writing sample. If you didn't find the writing sample, you didn't read the rules all the way. Furthermore, it might be impossible to view raw text on [i]your[/i] phone, but to say you can't view raw text on a phone is a sweeping overstatement. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/CdunIHs.png[/img][/center] [/quote] It should be possible on [i]any[/i] phone so said person might just be talking out of their ass. Also, even if view raw is impossible, it should still be visible by quoting the post. But fucking still - how do these people subtract GM character sheet code if not by viewing the raw code or quoting it? Do they mimic the code by hand? This reeks of either talking out of ass or insanity. Maybe both.