[center][img]https://image.ibb.co/iUf00R/Rachel_Anderson.png[/img][hr] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/474x/71/b4/19/71b419c15a63d24bcc8759bdcaf0309f.jpg[/img] [color=deepskyblue]Name[/color] Rachel Anderson [color=deepskyblue]Age | Birthday[/color] 23 | October 2nd [color=deepskyblue]Gender[/color] Female [color=deepskyblue]Nicknames[/color] Her family and friends usually address her by [color=lightskyblue]Rachel[/color], but colleagues like to make fun of her by calling her the [color=lightskyblue]Monkeygirl[/color], as she is often seen climbing up and down all over the place like a monkey while she's doing her job (possibly due to her short skinny physique, or she just doesn't care about her own public image while she does her job). Sometimes people also call her names like the [color=lightskyblue]Nosy Chick[/color], but it is mainly because of her job as a journalist that she needs to constantly dig into people's background and occasionally invades their privacy. [color=deepskyblue]Body Physique[/color] Being [color=lightskyblue]short[/color] and [color=lightskyblue]petite[/color], Rachel is often teased by her friends and co-workers of her disadvantaged height; she doesn't mind it though, as she sees it as nice conversation starters and people are more likely to offer to help her with physical tasks. Her skin is [color=lightskyblue]smooth[/color] and [color=lightskyblue]slightly sun-kissed[/color] from all the waiting under the sun for her boring news assignment routines. Rachel has always wanted to visit the gym to improve her body build, but she never had the time because of her busy job and complicated love life. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/474x/85/17/0b/85170b02be92e3aae8559a50b6e9040f.jpg[/img] [color=deepskyblue]Personal Style[/color] She likes to wear anything that has the words [color=lightskyblue]"Vintage"[/color] and [color=lightskyblue]"Retro"[/color] tagged with it. It is currently the start of Autumn, and Rachel is usually seen wearing a reddish brown leather [color=lightskyblue]trench coat[/color] along with her favorite vintage [color=lightskyblue]flat cabbie[/color]. She also wears a pair of [color=lightskyblue]fingerless gloves[/color] that matches her coat for better grip of her motorbike's handlebars. [color=deepskyblue]Education[/color] Rachel is a rather clever girl when it comes to studying. She was always top in every subjects and was even able to skip a few grades when she was in her secondary school. Albeit being labelled by the teachers as having a bright future in her academics, Rachel eventually decided to pursue her own dreams. She finished her undergraduate degree on [color=lightskyblue]Media and Communication Studies[/color] in University of Texas at Austin and immediately applied for her dream job at the Beacon News. The 21 year-old girl was very delighted when she received the job notice letter a week after the interview. [color=deepskyblue]Occupation[/color] Her job title says [color=lightskyblue]reporter[/color] of Beacon News, but all she did was odd office jobs and errands for the bullying seniors other than writing assignments and columns. Being almost bored to death, Rachel was really elated when her editor told her about the new job vacancy as an [color=lightskyblue]investigative journalist[/color]. Not wanting to lose the opportunity, the girl quickly grabbed the assignment without second thought, feeling over the moon as she finally could do her dream job. [color=deepskyblue]Relationship Status[/color] [color=lightskyblue]Complicated[/color] is the simplest word that can be used to describe Rachel's love life. The Beacon News discourages employees to develop office love interest as the management sees it as a big hindrance to the company's daily operations, but the rebellious girl had long since started an underground relationship with [color=lightskyblue]Charles Nemesis[/color], a business columnist of the news company. The relationship turned out to be a bitter memory to the couple, as they always had to undercover their way to a date. Rachel decided to call it a stop when she saw the relationship difficult and unfruitful; Charles agreed that they needed some time off from each other. Now Rachel is focusing all her attention on her newly assigned task, and she has no intention in looking for any new relationships at the moment. [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/outlast/images/4/41/CamA.jpeg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/480?cb=20140315191129[/img] [img]http://i.le360.ma/fr/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/assets/images/2017/12/why-you-should-date-a-woman-who-rides-a-motorcycle_06.jpg?[/img] [/center]