Donny nodded his head at the others comments. But now they were just talking about old stuff; time to get out. [b]"We need to leave. Looks like we got a guest."[/b] Donny pointed his spear towards a single ghoul that just walked in. Just one, nothing they couldn't handle, but where there was one there was a thousand more. They could probably fortify the hotel lobby into a prime-time ghoul grinder, but time was limited. They couldn't waste time on any elaborate repair projects, and if they really only had five days to get out of town, he doubt that they'd have more than twelve hours of a sleep these next few days. [b]"Let's take the car as far as we can. I also think we should try to arm up a little bit better than what we got right now, that's for certain. As impressive as this may be,"[/b] Donny motioned towards his weapons and equipment. [b]"I'd prefer to have more professionally made stuff."[/b] Donny walked over to the Ghoul, dropping into a fighting stance with his spear. He only touched upon staff fighting for a month back when he was doing karate, so he was going to have to scrounge out as much knowledge as he could. Since he couldn't make ghouls bleed to death and stabbing them in the chest doesn't seem to do much not anything, he'd have to stab them in the head. The ghoul walked forward with it's arms stretched out, and the first thing Donny did was use his spear to slash off as many of it's fingers as he could in one swing. Three swipes later, and the Ghoul lost it's left hand and all fingers aside from it's thumb. Now he didn't have to worry about getting grabbed. His heart was racing but his breath was steady as he took a few steps back, the ghoul taking a few steps forward. With a quiet kiai he lunged forward and stabbed the blade of his spear into the ghoul's mouth. Another push and the undead monster died once again. With a quick side kick he knocked the Ghoul off his spear and looked towards the others. [b]"Quickly now, before the horde finds us."[/b]