[quote=@Raineh Daze] Er, why Settra. Like... Settra's not even remotely a good choice because the armies aren't derived from his abilities so much as he'd have to be brought here along with [i]half of Khemri.[/i] I'm not the GM but it doesn't seem like whatever's bringing people here is going to be so broad as to transport entire armies inexplicably? And... that sort of scale is probably too large and he'd just get carpet bombed by the nearest military. I guess he came to mind because of the Total Warhammer preorder? [/quote] Not really, I's just a huge fan of Warhammer and 40k. Plus I am somewhat interested in this and I can't recall any particular character in anime I'd really want to do. I just wanted to play someone outside of a pure goody two shoes plus it never hurts to have a focused antagonists in a story. I can list off characters from those universe I could play as, all I need to know is what limitations and restrictions there are. As of now I've learned that they have to be single entities who don't gather too much attention alone.