[@ADamnFiddle][@Over Illusion] I'll fix the formatting and make the translated skills less awkward later. Will do a full Personality tab, too. It's 4:30 AM at the time of posting because I live in an inferior timezone. [hider=A Bad Assassin] [center] [h1][color=silver]Assassin[/color][/h1] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/typemoon/images/3/37/Sanson_FGO_stage_2.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/350?cb=20170126160322[/img] [h3][color=silver][b]"[i]My blade is yours, Master. May it execute all who are guilty.[/i]"[/b][/color][/h3] True Name: Charles-Henri Sanson, [i]The High Executioner of France[/i] Master: [i]Pending.[/i] Gender: Male Alignment: Lawful Evil Height/Weight: 175cm / 65kg [/center] [hr] [center][h3]History and Personality[/h3] [url=http://typemoon.wikia.com/wiki/Assassin_(Fate/Grand_Order_-_Sanson)]Have a wiki page.[/url] [/center] [hr] [center][h3]Stats[/h3] STR: [b]D[/b] END: [b]D[/b] AGI: [b]C[/b] MGI: [b]D[/b] LCK: [b]A[/b] NP: [b]B[/b] [/center] [hr] [center][h3]Class Skills[/h3][/center] [center]Presence Concealment: [b]D[/b][/center] Class Skill of the [i]Assassin[/i] Class. The capacity to hide one's presence as a Servant. Hides one's presence as a Servant. Suitable for spying. A low ranking of [i]Presence Concealment[/i] unbecoming for an [i]Assassin[/i] to the level that a Servant can infer one's presence at once. Although summoned in the [i]Assassin[/i] class, the act of assassination is near impossible for Sanson. [hr] [center][h3]Personal Skills[/h3][/center] [center]Executioner: [b]A++[/b][/center] A Skill that increases damage towards those who have perpetuated crime or committed some other atrocity to which would brand them under the societal confine of the label "Evil". In other words, this Skill allows Sanson to deal increased damage to Servants of the [i]Evil[/i] alignment. Also, a Servant will make themselves a potential collateral of the ability as well if they also meet the aforementioned condition for the increased damage. Severing evil by means of evil; the ultimate judgement act. [center]Medical Techniques: [b]A[/b][/center] Modern medicine that surpasses the medical technology of those times (in which transmission proliferated) in a few degrees. Still, this Skill does not make a comparison by modern standards, instead determining by the standards of the age in which the Servant lived. This ability allows for the user to possess a much more advanced knowledge of the human anatomy compared to what would be considered modern in their original era. [center]Human Anatomy Research: [b]B[/b][/center] A Skill representing a concept placed on the 'other side' of execution techniques and medicine. Sanson did not neglect researching on where he could hurt the human body without killing, without leaving prognostic symptoms. Putting it in another way, it means he understands where it is okay to injure. Obtained through studying the best ways to decapitate someone with one strike. [hr] [center][h3]Weapon[/h3][/center] [center][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/typemoon/images/c/c0/Sansonsword.png/revision/latest?cb=20151001192642[/img][/center] Sanson wields a T-shaped Claymore bearing the inscription [i]Epée de Justice.[/i] A sword designed to execute others via beheading, used by the Sansons to carry out executions before Charles-Henri created the guillotine. The three holes in the the T-shape made a screeching noise if the swing wasn't completely straight, as a reminder for the executioner to strike true on the first blow and make it painless. [hr] [center][h3]Noble Phantasm[/h3][/center] [center][b][color=black]La Mort Espoir[/color][/b] [i]Death is Hope For Tomorrow[/i] Type: Anti-Unit Rank: A Range: 1 ~ 10 Maximum Number of Targets: 1 [/center] The embodiment of the true execution tool, the guillotine. The chances of death are determined not by resistance to curses or good fortune, but whatever or not one can defeat fate with a strong mentality. A so-called [i]Mental Interference[/i] type Noble Phantasm, Heroes with anecdotes of being executed rather than dying in battle undergo a disadvantageous check. The guillotine manifests when the true name is invoked within mid-range, pulling its target and holding them in place through shadowy arms. One second later the guillotine will fall. Here, judgement is made. If the target fails the check, the guillotine falls without change and one is decapitated. [hr] [/hider]