[center][h2][color=#FF9A26][b]Lilliana Merrycure[/b] [sup][i][/i][/sup][/color][/h2][/center][hr]Letting go of her weapon right before it was pulled from her grip by Saban, Lily mentally willed liquid metal down her body. It encapsulated her legs and waist, then back, reinforcing her spine, hips, and legs significantly, before some of it shot out down below her as she neared the ground. The material slowed her descent, and when she struck it pooled out in small waves that eddied away from her, before pulling back inwards and reconstituting as two arms on her back. The cannons went off moments later and she grinned as she heard their impact. Turning to face Saban, body sideways, her arms split so she had four clawed metallic appendages, plus the metal claws on her own hands. She stared down the cloud of debris, ready to act if necessary, but as Krabbe acted it became unnecessary. Quickly their adversary fell, finally spent, and she—after several seconds—let herself relax. Taking stock of the situation she looked at former enemies and her nakama, before nodding to herself. Deftly tiny tendrils of metal reached into her bag and extracted a number of syringes. Glancing at the boney visage of her favorite crewmate, Lily smiled and headed in his direction. The boy, having his priorities well in order, situated Caesar on a bed of flora before addressing her, and then Krabbe. As he turned to speak to the bounty hunter, Lily's smile shifted, a certain pride coming into her eyes. She was happy to see how her little FJ was turning out. He was such a good kid. Taking a moment to watch before she turned to Caesar in earnest, Lily considered how damaged Krabbe's ship was, then shrugged to herself slightly as she exhaled. Calming her nerves quickly as she shifted into a more focused state, the world around her began to pale and dull around her. Eyes grazing over Caesar she found the ideal location and then gave him a shot from her Syringe, retrieving bandages and some salve from her pack. She fixed up his various scratches and bruises somewhat, making sure he was taken care of, before she gingerly picked him up with her metallic arms and hopped onto one of the few pieces of intact railing. She glanced back at Bonesword and Krabbe, [color=#FF9A26][b]“Well fought,”[/b][/color] she said, a measure of respect in her tone, before she turned her gaze specifically to Bonesword. [color=#FF9A26][b]“I'll be on the Runner, FJ. Don't be long, okay sweetheart?”[/b][/color] She beamed at him like only a mother could, winked, and then turned away. Bending her knees, she then released the tension, jumping up and forwards, landing on the deck of the Rum Runner moments later. Caesar, even if he hadn't been unconscious, would hardly feel the movement as she took special care not to jostle him at all. Frowning slightly at the oil and other detritus spread about the ship, she shook her head and sighed as she made her way below deck and found a place to lay Caesar down to rest. Once he was situated, with water by his bunk, a pillow under his head, blanket tucked around him neatly, and weapons nearby, but not too near, she headed out of his room. She headed above deck, going straight for Boone and hugged him without explanation. [color=#FF9A26][b]“I'm glad you're okay,”[/b][/color] she said, stepping away and wiping a small tear of happiness, before ruffling Slick's hair a moment later. [color=#FF9A26][b]“You too. Of course you [i]will[/i] be helping with the ship's repairs mister. Oh, by the way, where's Feya?”[/b][/color] There was a note of worry in her voice and a glimmer of anxiety in her bright eyes. She hoped their doctor was okay.