Alright, we can definitely do that :). Here's some of my ideas, but Azure might have others or better ideas: 1- Like we mentioned before, maybe try to make a character? You don't have to write a long back story for it or whatever, just a basic character that can interact with us. If you do that, then all the part below can be told in the first person or third person about your own character! Like that, you don't write in a way that makes us feel like you're controlling our characters. So you end your RP post like this, with your own character arriving to the school and blabla, and the next post will be one of us, doing the same thing and writing our own arrival to school and how we're feeling about it. Below, I quoted the part where you really write like you're controlling our characters, maybe it will help you see what we're seeing. [quote]The next morning you made your way to school. The mildew was still fresh on the ground, nothing had awoken yet to disturb it. It was school hours, you'd gotten here on time, even if it was only this once. Better to make a good first impression and make your teacher believe you'd actually try. Maybe she'd boost your grade just for coming here. As you made your way to the second floor, you felt odd. The halls were eerily quiet. No chatter, no drama, not even the sound of a man cleaning the halls. It really was early. Occasionally you'd hear the flip of a paper or the sip of coffee. The thought of caffeine was enticing.[/quote] 2- The other idea is more drastic, but it is to erase everything and start anew. If you don't want to make a character, then you have to change at least the end of your post. If you like the idea of how you described 'our arrival' to school, then keep it, but change the pronouns. For example, talk about how the school has an eerie atmosphere. But write it in a neutral tone, and as a description of the school in general, not as a description of how our characters are thinking. I don't know if I'm being really clear, maybe I'm rambling too much. Long story short, any part of your post that uses the pronoun 'you' as if you were talking about our characters, erase it or change it. Does that make sense?