[center][h1][color=6a4830]Ethan Conrad[/color][/h1] [b]8:30 am[/b][/center] [hr] As Ethan rounded the corner to his homeroom class, he was surprised to see the doorway to class was currently obscured by two of his fellow students; Dia Sidonia and Felix Williams. He didn’t know them personally, but he had enough classes with the couple to know their names, and to know that Felix was not the friendliest. For that reason Ethan thought it best he wait for them to go in rather than try to get past them, but he couldn’t exactly just stand in the middle of the hall watching them like a creep. Instead he leaned against the wall and pulled out his phone pretending as if he were texting someone while occasionally glancing up to see when the coast was clear. Eventually a few others passed through and once they did Dia pulled Felix into the classroom. Time to go. Slipping his phone into his pocket and adjusting his tie, Ethan tried to act casually as he walked in still attempting to appear as though he had not been waiting for them or in any hurry at all. Unfortunately for the young elementalist, his lack of initiative had allowed his usual seat to be taken by Bhu Adamina. Completely caught off guard by this break in his routine Ethan froze up leaving him unintentionally staring directly at Bhu for a few good seconds before snapping out of it. Looks like he’d have to find a new seat for the day. Glancing around the room, Ethan looked for a seat that wasn’t next to anyone, but also wasn’t secluded. He didn’t want to appear intrusive by sitting with any of the established groups, but also didn’t want to single himself out as some kind of “loner”. In the end he picked a seat that was one away from Kanako Nagasaki as that seemed to be the most ideal spot. Cautiously taking his seat, Ethan glanced around one last time to see if anyone had issue with his decision in desks. Nope, everything seemed- [i][b]SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEAK[/b][/i] As Ethan leaned back his chair, it unleashed an ungodly “squeak”. Sitting there eyes wide and darting back and forth, Ethan slowly leaned forward hoping his subtle movements would keep his chair from squeaking. It did not. Instead it only drew it out in short bursts. [i][b]SQUEE[/b][/i]-[i][b]EEE[/b][/i]-[i][b]EEE[/b][/i]-[i][b]EEEEEAK[/b][/i] Once he was sitting up and the horrendous squeaking was over, Ethan simply slouched down and hoped nobody would say anything before homeroom began.