[@Thinslayer] Sykes's heart skipped a beat. So, it was an Imperial. Moreover, that Imperial knew him. His tense factions relaxed, and for the first time in hundreds of years, the face of Herodotus Sykes bore a wide smile. "Does the Pope s*** in the woods? Hold on there, I am coming to your position, over." The Overseer signaled, as he eyed the rest of the people in the Throne room. No doubt, they would still be halfway visiblely stunned, so he took that as a cue to leave before the King and his retinue of brutes tried to extract secrets from him. Waving his hand once, he locked the Sky Eye display and the Weapons system. It was dangerous enough when he had fired, much less a King which probably had little idea of Spacefaring-era weapons. He hid his device and wrapped his mark tightly as he headed towards the door. "Well, the Reactor is fixed your Grace, so I will take my leave." He said, as he began trudging towards the door at a brisk pace, wary of anyone foolish enough to try and prevent him from leaving. "Don't try to stop or follow me." He added as an afterthought, as he jumped out of a window, and in a display of feat and agility began his descent by crawling down Midhaven's wall.