Autharyx nodded thoughtfully as he took it all in with a serious expression on his face. It was hard to figure out from the descriptions alone, but it didn't sound as if there was either a dragon or a spirit being honoured in these parts nowadays. He wasn't sure if he had been expecting that. It had been difficult to gauge the passing of time without humans checking in occasionally, but surely not all of them could have been forgotten? Surely dragons would object to being forgotten. Well, he hadn't, but then it had taken him quite a long time before he realised that people had stopped coming. In the beginning he hadn't even minded all that much. Humans could be a chore to interact with, and they were always so... pushy. They would want their business done within weeks, and they needed more looking after than seemed appropriate for such insignificant creatures. It was only when some of his tapestries had started to decay that he had wondered when the ever diminishing trickle of visitors had dried completely. He wondered if the same had happened to others of his kind. Following Viltez' example, he carefully licked his fingers clean after finishing his meal in exactly the same time as the human had. The entirety of his human disguise had been done by carefully observing and copying humans he'd seen, and he knew there was plenty he would still need to mimic. "Do you mean you come from this village?" he asked, surprise evident in his voice. "You do not seem at all like the rest..." he trailed off awkwardly, unsure how to continue from there without insulting the rest of the villagers. "Then I suppose you cannot really tell me about travel over land, can you?" he quickly continued. "I've only ever travelled over water, until I decided to... get out in the world a bit more."