In response to Traveller, Rosa said "Actually, I'd suggest having that talk now. I don't want to waste time, not with what we're up against. Unless either of you particularly want to stall any longer, I think we should get moving as soon as possible." This was entirely true. The more time spent not putting Karnorouri down, Rosa thought, the more time he had to prepare himself and to endanger other people. So this wasn't Voph's first time on a mission of this calibre? Good, Rosa thought. They could certainly use the experience. Still, even if Voph displayed a level of intelligence in his analysis of the enemy, he wouldn't have been able to do so if Rosa hadn't explained what was happening to him. She wasn't eager to die just because of his carelessness. "You make it sound so easy, Voph. It's probably safest if you don't fool yourself; there is a very good chance that this is more than we can handle. Pretending it will be easy will only get you, and perhaps subsequently the rest of us, killed."