[@Ambra] How about potions? Btw, here's a rough draft for my char: [hider=Char] Name: Kennen Imore Appearance: Kennen Imore can be most distinguished by his large bushy hair. It’s wood brown color combined with the curly nature of his hair gives his head an almost bark-like look. His face is of no particular importance, as it is neither ugly nor beautiful but merely mediocre. However, contrasting his face, Kennen is lanky and tall, allowing him to look over a crowd of people. When located in the town of Graelia, he usually wears scholarly associated attire. Though, while travelling, he wears ordinary traveller’s attire. He’s usually seen with reader glasses and his large pack, which contains an array of writing charcoal, parchment, and snacks. Personality: Naturally as a travelling scholar, Kennen is highly intelligent along with overly inquisitive. In either the books or the field, Kennen is laconic, getting across his points with great punctuality and clarity. His silent demeanor is due to the fact that he’s in intense concentration, combing through every detail of his data for useful information and recording such knowledge on his papers and mind for later deep analysis. In addition to this, Kennen can appear awfully cruel as he tends to experiment on non-human entities for the sake of the acquisition of knowledge. (Though, he will not touch human experimentation) At times, the overbearing pressing nature of his work personality can lead him to compel others in revealing sensitive information, useful or not. Due to the nature of being a travelling scholar, Kennen had developed a keen sense in value and bargaining. In most cases, Kennen is able to sniff out less than obvious suspicious dealings and swindles from shady salespersons. However he can still be duped if the salesperson is particularly suave, and though he hates to admit it, elderly or very young venders can consistently rip him off if they choose to do so. As a result of his developed business sense, Kennen also has a knack for extorting information out of people. In most cases, information will come easily for him, but for the more tricky cases, he uses a variety of techniques that include but are not limited to flattery, bribery, and getting people drunk. However, even after the necessary information is obtained, he tends to stay friends with the people he closely followed but only if that person is not hostile towards him afterwards. When conversing normally with people, he tends to be less prying and more friendly. A range of friendly philosophical debates to comforting consultation usually arise during the exchanges, but unfortunately, he’s notorious for going on rare but equally boring tangents about his research that can last for nearly five hours. Any attempts to stop him or leave the area usually fail due to a variety of reasons. When his eyes begin the hypothetically “sparkle,” family members or close friends know to intervene before he really gets going. Abilities: Though Kennen is not the most physically endowed person, his physical abilities are still decent due to his constant travelling over a variety of terrains. Whether it be mountains, forests, or lakes, Kennen has experience with all of those. Also, because he travels frequently, he’s capable of using weapons, primarily daggers and crossbows, albeit at a mediocre level. He usually accompanies travelling groups though he can travel by himself. As mentioned in his personality above, Kennen has above average conversational skills, allowing him to get bargains and all sorts of information. Because of his affinity towards books, Kennen is able to read through books and tomes as if they were children’s books, and as a result, Kennen has a near encyclopedic knowledge of the land around him, knowing all about fauna to city lore. In addition to book knowledge, Kennen possesses a good knowledge for the terrain along with edible plants, animals, and direction. He can cook, create shelters, knows basic first aid, and a variety of things. Downfalls: Kennen, as amazing as he is, is not a leader and is terrible with long term planning. Aside from the fact that his goal is to uncover truths of the church and the old gods, any plans are usually sidetracked with small discoveries and random “moments.” Cooperation is also not his forte, as his travelling tendencies left him without a strong sense of obedience. *Add another here. I’m all written out for today xP* Background: Born into a medium wealth family of shopkeepers, Kennen led a quiet and steady life in Graelia. Although his childhood had been somewhat mundane, he did have one livelihood that never ceased to entertain him: books, books that ranged from describing cultures of far off lands to illustrating unique and exotic fauna. Whenever he could, he would secretly leave home and run around the city, requesting every viable source to read or borrow any books that contained all sorts of interesting information. Although his parents initially scolded Kennen for running off without their permission and without helping with the business, they realized that a great potential was bound inside Kennen. *Insert parental support story along with other good background here.* As a young man, Kennen now travels the land, documenting all his findings. One day however, a thought hit his mind, “Who are the ‘false gods’ and this ‘creator’ really?” Intrigued that he had only gross generalities to these questions, Kennen began his quest to discover the truth behind the two sides, not knowing where this would take him... [/hider] Any critic?