[h1][center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/b0/6c/7c/b06c7ca4c06747c841a53fbef0c84050--maltese-followers.jpg[/img][/center][/h1] [color=#05EDFF][center][h2]“Some days you tame the Tiger. Other days it has you for lunch." ~ Tug McGraw [/h2][/center][/color] Seeing as there wasn't much room for her to wiggle her entire self into the room and still leave room for the other's, Adrevz settled on simply sticking her head into the doorway after Dyn and Jill entered, a curious gleam in her violet eyes. The woman didn't exactly look familiar to her, as she couldn't remember the last person who had asked to go after Marid, she had lost count some time ago as they never made it back anyway. Turning her attention to Jill, then to Cynthia as she didn't think that the Aasimar would be able to understand her, leaving it to the other merwoman to translate for her. [color=#05edff]"Kuyini lokhu? Omunye umuntu okumele sizenzele yena noma omunye ozokwazi ukusingatha yena futhi angazami ukubulala amalungu ephathi esizama ukuwasebenzisa ukubulala uMarid?"[/color] the large tiger questioned, the words coming out on growls and strange purrs as the vocal cords of a felid were not meant to be used to speak as more intelligent beings could. She never really got used to speaking in such a way either, it always felt strange in a rather unpleasant manner, but not everyone was able to read body language accurately, she didn't need someone thinking she was going to eat them when all she was trying to do was get them to either follow her or leave a dangerous area. Roaring was a good way to scare someone off, but it definitely left you unapproachable and feared more than you may want to be. Past her inquiry, she did not have much else to ask or do unless she was asked to, though she wasn't too keen on just letting someone out of a cell without making sure they weren't going to harm them. She doubted the two who decided to do whatever to each other would hold off well if they had to fight again.