[center][img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/6e72/th/pre/f/2017/163/c/e/desert_doppelganger_by_eskarart-darucrg.png[/img][/center] [center][i]"The Tale of Two Halves, Become the Head of One." - General King Iyrez of Nysar; the title of his book documenting the history of Nysar and Isant.[/i][/center] [hider=New Diya] [center][url=https://ibb.co/n6bdN6][img]https://preview.ibb.co/mCauvR/NDR_Flag.png[/img][/url][/center] [h1][center][b]New Diya[/b][/center][/h1] [b]Government:[/b] Republic - 226,000,000 (Total Population) [b]Species:[/b] All Kinds [u][b]Culture[/b][/u] The culture is quite diversified and can range depending on which community you decide strolling through. There are just as much conservative as liberal communities, with more traditional areas sporting segregation such as non-humans deciding to stay their residences away from humans and vice versa. The beauty of New Diya is it breathes with the citizens, it has a rather open door policy and bends to the ideas of its citizens as long as these ideas are well intended. The government of New Diya primarily regulates trade, military defense, maritime operations, foreign policy, diplomacy, and law. [u][b]History[/b][/u] If we are to speak of New Diya’s beginning, then we must first start with Nysar’s and Isant’s end. Before there was New Diya, we had the Diya Federation, and before that, it was every nation for themselves. The Nysari and Isanti lineages of power roll back into ancient times, how they managed to co-exist on the same continent before ever fighting as they did in recent years was a mystery. Each were growing in their own way, Isanti sticking to more of a traditional way, where human’s ruled and had no other rulers. While the Nysari kept a more balanced ideology of how succession, direction, and policy making would be conducted. Many of the non-humans inhabiting behind the lines of Isant would find themselves subjugated by the rule of law made by humans, and enforced by humans. These rules of law gave no opportunity for anyone other than humans. Eventually, many of those non-human inhabitance would leave Isant and claim refuge within Nysar. Nysar and it’s progressive council would welcome non-humans with open arms, and in return Nysar’s economy would grow, as would their entire nation. The Nysari would climb quickly to meet the strength of the Isanti, who in the turn of the century seemed to have more of a dominant grasp over the continent. No matter how strong Isanti was, their reign was never meant to last with the aged ideology they clung to. Eventually Nysar would reach agreements with Kloust, Eleusis, and Osae, the three neighboring nations all losing their identity while Nysar gained theirs. Nysar due to its growth decided on meeting with heads of the other three nations. Nysar’s council persuaded they could benefit from one another flying under the same banner than separate, each having their own pros and cons, each with something to gain from the other. This agreement was held in a small neutral town called, Diya. Thus birthed the Diya Federation, named after the town the foundation was set on for the newly declared relationships. Feeling threatened after the Diya Federation was established, and quite disgusted at the idea of non-humans and humans co-existing, Isanti began mobilizing their forces. Within two years time, Isanti launched a surprise assault on Kloust’s borders. The assault met Kloust’s defenses and quickly trampled them over, Isant liberated a majority of Kloust within a month. Osae and Eleusis mobilized in time to stand a fight against the mounting Isanti assault, but were cracked open after a few months of fighting. The Nysari would strategically enter the theater of war by going around the Isanti front and cutting off supply routes, while surrounding the Isanti fighting force in Osae and Eleusis. This strategy allowed Osae and Eleusis to push back to their respective borders and merge with the Nysari forces. The three nations of the Federation would then push toward Isant after freeing Kloust and within a year’s time, the Isant government collapsed. The nation of Isant fell into anarchy until it was liberated by the Federation. What leaders were left of the Isanti population, and the other four nations would meet in Diya to review plans for reforming the tattered nation. Due to Isant’s complete dismantlement, Kloust’s fall, Eleusis and Osae’s near destruction, the only remaining power completely intact was Nysar. After long deliberation in what to do, the Nysari leaders proposed a complete overhaul that left all the leaders shaking their heads up and down. The borders would merge under one complete power and within these borders they’d divide responsibilities of leadership by elected officials. There were to be 23 regions, each region housing 12 districts, each district housing 5-8 counties. There would be one regional voice to every 12 district voices, and the district voices had to mediate their county voices. This allowed for all voices to be heard, but without crowding the decision making process. The town of Diya would be declared the new capitol and now under the same banner, the nation would recognize itself as New Diya or the New Diya Republic. [u][b]Territory Claims[/b][/u] [hider=Map Claim][url=https://ibb.co/mxMPAR][img]https://preview.ibb.co/jQmrqR/New_Diya.jpg[/img][/url] [/hider] [u][b]Economy [/b][/u] The commerce and trade within New Diya is strong and growing, they are above average when it comes to revenue. This is because New Diya is easily accessible for most nations to trade with, their navy is one of the finest, and they have trade outposts peppered throughout the many islands in the ocean. [u][b]Technology[/b][/u] New Diya had been more focused in its earlier years with exploration and colonization. They spent more of their resources in establishing settlements across waters so trade could easily be conducted. The effect of such prioritization has left their technology average at best. They are certainly not behind, but they are no where near some of the nations today. [u][b]Army[/b][/u] New Diya Defense Force has 130,000 professional soldiers willing and able to fight for the principles and culture the nation provides for their families. There are 300,000 reservists, and the ability to draft a vast number of conscripts in only a few months time if necessary. New Diya trains their military in hand-to-hand and rifle tactics. * [i]Special Note:[/i] [b]Vanguard[/b] The front lines of New Diya’s Defense Force, these soldiers are equipped with a short blade called a “Caiman”, standard issue rifle, and 3‘ x 2‘ metal shield called the “Shell”. Their training has been specialized and their resilience and versatility reflects it. [b][i]Caiman[/i][/b]- Double edged blade with a sharp smooth point. One edge sports rigid teeth curving down similar to a saw or crocodile tooth, used for utility and survival purposes. The other edge is sharp and works great for slashing flesh. [b][i]Shell[/i][/b] - 3'x2' metal shield with the top corners edged out creating a "J" space. This space is used for supporting the rifle when either fortifying a position, moving forward while firing on a position, or charging enemy lines. There is a subtle flare around the top of the shield as to promote space for the soldier's vision to see what is in front of him/her without exposing their own head. [u][b]Navy[/b][/u] New Diya would not be what it is today without her navy. It is with the navy that New Diya has been able to reach across the globe and effectively build its once war torn economy through trade. Their experience in maritime operations is unquestionable, and their confidence is unwavering. They may not be the premier Navy of the globe, but they sure conduct themselves to be so. Organized, large, and in charge, there are no objectives the Navy won’t find a way to handle. [u][b]Air Force[/b][/u] New Diya has yet to invest in production of any biplanes. [hider=Rolls] (18) - Territory - Your nation is magnificently sized, a premiere empire of the day. There is plenty of land to go around. 8+2 (10) - Tech - Your nation is average when it comes to technology. (14) - Army Size - Your army is well-sized, and maintained on a year-round basis. (14) - Economy - Your economy is slightly above-average, and the nation can usually fund what it needs. (17) - Production - Your nation is doing well for itself, with excellent production in both farming and manufacturing and good resource exploitation. 15+3 (18) - Navy Size - Your nation navigates and controls the water better than most. Your merchant fleet is experienced, and your navy is well versed in amphibious tactics. (5) - Airforce Size - You have no biplanes (9) - Mobilization Ability - It takes two months to mobilize.[/hider] Other:[/hider]