As the creature answered her, she raised an eyebrow, truly not expecting an answer. She finished off her tea, and sat her dishes back onto the tray. Yomi slowly munched on his food as Kit's gaze switched back to the stranger. "I haven't seen you around. How long have you been here?", she asked, her attention changing mid sentence to watch a group of Stormtroopers stomping by. A few of their heads turned to look her over, as if her appearance alone was a threat to them. One tightened his grip on his blaster, nearly raising it, before continuing his march. Kit scoffed, her own hand having gripped the small blaster at her hip, just in case. "No.", Yomi muttered, waving a finger at her. When her hand didn't move from the blaster, Yomi leaned toward her, picking up his cane. He struck her arm harshly with the heavy piece of wood, causing Kit to growl, but to settle, "I said no. No violence here." ----- TK-6158 was hungry. He was hungry and tired of patrolling this horrible city. It was so dirty, and lost. It was depressing, if he was honest. It reminded him way too much of the last time he had stepped foot on Mandalore. Speaking of Mandalore. As his patrole group rounded the corner of the "abandoned" temple, Valek caught a glimpse of something he hadn't noticed before, a Mandalorian helmet. Towering over said helmet, was a girl. Her facial features looked familiar, but only vaguely. She didn't seem hostile, but part of him knew she had to be. A Mandalorian in a city like this? She had to be a mercenary, or worse, a bounty hunter. Mandalorian bounty hunters were impulsive and loud. They made bigger messes for the Empire than anything else, and left cleanup for those that they supposedly supported. Along with her was a Trandoshan. Partners? Both together threw up a red flag. He growled low, too low to transmit through his vocal receiver, and began to raise his weapon. His partner, TK-3147 reached a quick hand out, lowering the barely raised weapon gently, with a slow shake of his head. Huffing, Valek burned the image of the girl's armor into his brain, and continued his march.