Circe traversed her way through the bustling crowd of students walking into the school yard. Her clothes were a little worse for ware seeing as how all the money she stole from the last gang went to paying for a sick child's treatments. She saw teachers to either side talking with students and ushering them in the right direction. [color=f49ac2][i]I wonder if there is some sort of uniform. I could really use a change of clothes.[/i][/color] The young woman thought to herself, the crowd was nearing the front of the ornate school and the group got a little tighter. Circe maintained her momentum through the mob of people. As a street rat there wasn't much access to education, still she did not see that as sufficient enough excuse to not learn. When she wasn't canvasing her next group of bad guys she was at the library studying, she knew she would love it here. The other students seemed to know where they were going, so Circe followed them quietly, always listening to their gossip, filling the information away for later. This would be the start of a new life and as she flicked her long red hair, she smiled.