[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/xQrbA2c.png[/img][hr][h3]No.[/h3][/center][hr] The day was going swimmingly well. Totally. Huntsman academies were batshit crazy in Ashe's book [i]before[/i] she'd ever gone to one, and her view had only gotten worse in the past couple hours. She'd been hanging on by a thread ever since Grimm Studies, and now, with the arrival of two simulated Ogdoads on the sinking ship, that thread was cut. [color=708090][i]No.[/i][/color] She wasn't going to have any part of this any longer than she needed to. She was here to learn how to kill Grimm and make herself useful, but that didn't mean that she had to be in life threatening situations at all times of the day. Walking down a wilderness road after getting a divorce was safer than this place. Being at gunpoint was safer than this place. In her mind, she imagined herself going back to Mistral to resume her life as a hustler. [b]Squish.[/b] Sure, she'd made a couple friends at Beacon already, or she at least hoped she had. Sure, there were friendly people all around. Sure, the campus was beautiful and full of good climbing spots. Sure, there was a chance for steady, honest income at Beacon. But it wasn't worth this kind of stress. [b]Squelch.[/b] She blinked away the murderous scowl on her face, and realized her arm was deep inside one of the Ogdoads' eyes and rapidly being soaked by its leaking aqueous humor. Her fingers were wrapped around something soft, thick, and cordlike, and the creature was thrashing about in pain. With a sigh, she yanked it [i]hard[/i], and the Ogdoad that had been attacking Yue crashed to the ground and spasmed violently as it evaporated. Perhaps things weren't quite as bad as she thought. [hr] To others, she had been standing near the lifeboats, staring at the water as though she were going to jump overboard. After a few moments, her appearance shifted to that of a humanoid Grimm - black skinned with a white goat skull in the place of her face - and she walked calmly towards the fight. Yue had just finished fending off another attack from the creature's barbed tongue when Ashe stepped in front of the Grimm. It ignored her. Then she had thrust her right hand deeply into its eye, and returned to her usual appearance after it died. Only then did the other Ogdoad react to her presence by throwing one of its remaining unpinned limbs towards her. [@Lucius Cypher][@Ryonara][@Nevix][@NarayanK]