[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#0099ff]Jenna Westbrook[/color][/h1][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/30db219daafbfbacffb17cad117ae925/tumblr_mp1kk3uQwT1qgapqso1_500.gif[/img][hr][color=0099ff][b]Location[/b][/color]: Silver Mine [/center][hr][hr] Her mild dash was going fine, for the most part. Well, not [i]great[/i] but it wasn't horrible. She managed to get out of town itself without any cards or pedestrians colliding into her, and the all important items were securely in her backpack. She didn't want to risk anyone stealing the book she had [i]technically[/i] stolen from a crime scene. She had gone through a lot of effort to have that conversation with Mayor Ryder and she didn't want to walk away with nothing to show for it. Though perhaps walking would have been for the best. As she dashed through the woods, Jenna was relying mostly on luck to avoid tripping over roots, branches, plants, and the occasional squirrel that for [i]some fucking reason[/i] seemed too high to get out of her way. The first few close calls weren't even properly acknowledged, yet the third one proved to be one too many. The branch caught on her leg, throwing her off balance and before she knew what was happening, she was plummeting to the ground. And while cats land on their feet, teenage girls running through the woods landed on their ankle. [color=0099ff]"MOTHERFUCKING HELL!"[/color] Jenna hissed. She didn't have time for this. Grabbing the same branch she had tripped over, she used it to prop herself up and then as assistance in heading to the mine. It served as a walking stick/cane, though the latter description was likely more accurate at this point. It hurt to put weight on the thing - not enough for it to be broken or sprained, but enough to cause her considerable distress. By the time she made it to the outside of the mine, Jenna tossed the stick aside and took a deep breath. It would take all of her mental focus to keep quiet enough to creep along the outskirts of the mine and avoid Dec and Finn's attention. She didn't see them in the clearing, so they had to be in there. Each step was pained, but she bit down on her tongue [i]hard[/i] to keep herself quiet. She kept the edge, where the mine cast natural shadows, to avoid being seen. And by some stroke of luck, she managed to creep past them, hugging the wall and using the darkness as cover. Her soccer coach would've been proud. Hell, if Finn had been her accomplice in this, she was sure Finn would've been ecstatic. Once she got a good distance away from Dec and Finn, Jenna let herself take a breath. She looked down at her ankle for a moment with pity, before she threw herself down to the ground. [color=0099ff]"FUCK THAT HURTS!"[/color] Jenna exclaimed, knowing that Dec and Finn would hear. She was on her back, clutching her ankle, at least thirty feet father into the mine than they were. By all appearances, she figured it would seem like she had been telling the truth the entire time. She even had an injury that was aggravated and would explain why she hadn't come out yet.