Name of Nation: The Free State of Pohae Government: At the federal level the Free State of Pohae is a democratic republic. The free state is divided into twelve regions, eleven “Bulankhets” which act as semi-autonomous tribal territories and the free city of Pohae. These twelve regions, often times through direct democracy, elect ten representatives to serve upon the Federal Council every six years. The Federal Council then acts as the representative body of the government, passing and enforcing laws, establishing and maintaining the judiciary, electing when to go to war, and maintaining the nations budget. Any citizen within the Free State of Pohae is capable of disputing these decisions and can call for a direct vote from the people to overturn it. At a local level these twelve regions function semi-autonomously, whose local governments are determined independently of the federal government. For example, many of the Bulankhets are under the authority of a powerful tribe whose local governments often consists of either elected elders or hereditary warlords. Other territories, such as the free city of Pohae, elect representatives through direct democracy. These regions are capable of passing and maintaining their own laws independent of the federal government, trade internally amongst themselves, and tax citizens to fund public projects. Species: The predominant species within the republic is humans alongside a notable population of Orcs, Goblins, and Demi-Humans from neighboring nations. Found mostly outside of major cities exists small colonies of Satyrs and Centaurs whom are native to the territory. Culture: [hider]Pohae’s history of being conquered by foreign empires and settled by wandering tribes has left its people diverse and its culture everchanging. The city itself contains a healthy mix of peoples that can trace their lineage almost anywhere in the world. There are five distinct culture in the city of Pohae itself: [b]The Pohae (Aition)[/b]: The Pohae are mostly humans that can trace their lineage back to the original Kratorian settlers of the region. They are the most predominate group within the city and often times seen as either wealthy aristocrats or merchants, though this isn’t always the case. Uniquely, they are one of the only cultural groups who worship the Kratorian pantheons. Due to their history as conquerors of Pohae, the native tribes often refer to them as the Aition, meaning oppressors in ancient Pamwatu. [b]The Uipoth[/b]: These are humans who can trace their lineage to Segon or share similar characteristics. Their name can be roughly translated to mean “he who walks on two legs”, though it is disputed. While oftentimes distinct in social status and ancestry, it isn’t uncommon for the terms Uipoth and Pohae to be used interchangeably for humans. [b]The Ftochos[/b]: Meaning “undesirable” in Pohae, this is a term used by city inhabitants to describes recent immigrants from the neighboring tribes. Often these are the poorest of individuals, living within the slums of the capital. The majority of these people are Centaurs and Satyrs, though there are small populations of Orcs and Humans. [b]The Prasinos[/b]: These are often wealthy Greenskins from the Uruk Empire. Despite being few in number, they have begun to position themselves in influential roles in the city of Pohae, challenging the aristocrats and merchants politically. [b]The Prestag[/b]: Distinguishing themselves from the Ftochos, these are Centaurs whom have lived within the capital far longer than their cousins. Though hardly wealthy in comparison to the Pohae or Prasions, they are often merchants whom live comfortable lives. In many cases, to refer to a Prestag as a Ftochos is a death sentence. Outside of the city center however, the Bulankhets are divided into hundred of tribes and peoples. Though most often these cultures are divided into three broader groups: [b]Xoneusi[/b]: This is a term for people who come from one of the original tribes that split off after Xoneus’ death at the hands of the Segon Dynasty. Located usually in the north west, these are often the wealthiest of tribes. They have a disproportionate amount of power in the Federal Council due to being the largest of nomadic cultural groups. [b]Pamwatu[/b]: This is the broadest of cultural groups in Pohae, it is often considered a “catch-all” term for Centaur tribes who didn’t follow Xoneus. They are few in number, but hold a significant foothold in the far southern territory. Though rare, it can also be used to refer to Orcish and Human tribes as well. In comaprison to the Xoneusi, they are incredibly poor and gain most of their wealth through trade with the capital. [b]Joq[/b]: The Joq refer to the ancient Satyr tribes located in the east. Though they are both a hardy and honorable people, they are dwindling in number. Most Joq tribes live comfortably, especially in comparison to the Pamwatu people.[/hider] History: [hider]Throughout history the territory known as Pohae found itself either divided or conquered. Tracing its history back nearly two thousand years ago, it was first settled by a people known as the Juwor, a proud and honorable tribe of Centaurs. Eventually, this mighty tribe would begin to divide into four distinct clans, the Hawae, the Ilazas, Ulisul, and the Pamwatu, finding themselves warring against each other for hundreds of years. The first conquest of the region is believed to have occurred well over a thousand years ago by a foreign tribe of Satyrs known as the Joq. Though the true size of this tribe is disputed, it is believed that it had conquered the other four major clans within the territory in less than a hundred years. This dominance would continue to be maintained for nearly a century before they to collapsed into numerous warring tribes, dividing the territory once again. Over the next seven hundred years the territory exchanged hands between nomadic tribes and neighboring empires, the most notable being the conquest of the region by the Segon Dynasty less than a thousand years ago. During this time many of the tribes where either exterminated or unified during the Dynasty’s attempt to centralize the region and bring under their dominion. However, the territory would eventually be returned to the nomads after the Pomai rebellion. Lead by a centaur named Pomai, he united several other Centaur, Satyr, and Orc tribes to push out the Dynasty. This period of unification would be short lived however. Fifty years after Pomai liberated the nomadic tribes from the cruel Dynasty, it would find itself under threat of complete annexation by the Kratorian Imperium. At first Pomai was capable of securing favorable terms with the aggressive empire, offering tribute in exchange for independence. Terms that would change shortly after his death six years later. The tribe was split between his three sons, Grymios, Ceto, and Xoneus. Noticing this moment of weakness, the Kratorian Imperium seized the opportunity to annex the region and bring it under their rule beginning what would became known as the Pomai Wars (1390-1410). Though taking place over a significant period of time, the Pomai Wars had few decisive battles. Instead when the Kratorians crossed into Grymios’ land, the eldest of the three brothers, his tribe was quick to avoid the Kratorians directly on the battlefield. Instead they resorted to a series of raids along their supply lines and camps, making occupation nearly impossible. However even in face of seemingly insurmountable odds, possibly due to either Kratorian stubbornness or pride, they moved forward with the annexation. In 1409 the Kratorians brokered a deal with Xoneus. That should he unite with the Kratorian’s against his brothers, that he would be given ownership over their territories as a vassal state of the Imperium. He graciously accepted. That winter Xoneus called for a meeting with his two brothers claiming that he desired to unify their three clans and finally end this war against the Kratorians. It was there that Xoneus would betray them. Under the cover of the night, the Kratorians marched into the camp and razed it, mercilessly killing both Grymios and Ceto. Weeks later Xoneus pledge his loyalty to the Kratorians and they in turn established the city of Pohae. Originally been named after the Xoneus’ father to symbolize unification, it quickly became to others a symbol of tyranny. Under the Imperium the city became prosperous, many of its citizens being a unique blend of humans from the neighboring territories of the Kratorian Imperium. Soon it became known as the “gateway to the west”, an essential trading hub within the Imperium. For its’ citizens this was the golden age of Pohae. However, Xoneus’ tribe slowly grew displeased with the treatment of his people in the territory. Not only were centaurs and satyrs a clear minority within their homeland, but the Imperium made sure to slowly remove and restrict the autonomy of his people. Eventually when the Imperium went into decline, the Xoneus tribe rebelled. With intentions of razing the city, the bastion of Kratorian authority. The Kratorians, weakened from collapse could not fight off the enraged clan. Instead it was the intervention of the Segon Dynasty that ultimately saved the city. Fighting back the brother and ultimately slaying him at the battle of the Ikcheon. As a reward for saving the people of Pohae, the Dynasty annexed the region once again finally reclaiming the lost territory, however history would soon once again repeat itself. After a hundred years of occupation, the people of Pohae would once again rebel against it’s foreign overlords and reclaim control over their homeland. Allying themselves with the remnants of the steppe tribes, they would eventually establish their independence during the treaty of Nonyeong in 1532. Though these four hundred years of unification haven’t been without conflict, the Free State of Pohae has managed to remain independent. Fighting off invaders from the north, east, and west throughout its lifetime. Proclaiming itself as a beacon of freedom throughout the world and holding strong to the title of “gateway to the west”.[/hider] Territory Claims: [hider][img][/img][/hider] Economy: The Free State of Pohae’s economy centers around the city itself. Due to its road connections to the Sesong Dynasty and the Eastern Empires, as well as a powerful navy to ensure dominance in trade, it is a desirable location for merchants across the world to meet and sell goods. Domestically the city predominantly trades in furs, spices, and technology. The furs and spices often being acquired from the neighboring Bulankhets. Technology: The Free State of Pohae has remained relatively modern, due to its place as an essential trading hub for nations. There are a few tribes who struggle to access basic utilities such as electricity due to a lack of infrastructure, but both the capital and larger surrounding tribes live fairly modern lives. Army: The Free State’s military is divided between the Federal Army and the Bulankhet militias. At the Federal level, the Army consists of mostly human males between the ages of 20-24 from the city of Pohae and its surrounding territory. It is Estimated that the standing army is around 80,000 strong, though it has special permissions to draw from local militias and the general population during wartime. The Bulankhet militias are controversial at the Federal level. They are often ill equipped and poorly trained in comparison to the Federal Army, serving little tactical advantage on the battlefield. Maintained simply to protect the autonomy of the Bulankhets, rather then for the benefit of the Free State. There is no estimated size of the Bulankhet militia’s numbers, though it is agreed upon that it is likely far smaller than the Federal Army. Navy: Due to Pohae’s heavy reliance on trade, the Federal Navy is by far it’s strongest military asset. The nation has opted to rely upon a massive fleet as a deterrent against foreign expansion, effectively making forms of naval expansion nearly impossible and forcing enemies to cross the massive and empty steppes of Pohae to reach its capital. Air Force: The Steppes of Pohae have made for an effective testing ground in recent aerial technology. Maintaining a small air force of nearly two hundred biplanes to potentially scout approaching enemies. Rolls: [hider]4 - Territory - Your nation can be best described as a city-state. It is composed of a single city, and likely imports its food from outside its borders. 12+3 - Tech - Your nation is decently modern, with an effective grasp of technology. It is by no means a trend setter, but it stays up. 8 - Army Size - Your army is decently sized, and is maintained year-round. 10+2 - Economy - Your economy is average, and is stable. 10 - Production - Your nation is a mix of agrarian and industrial. 15 - Navy Size - Your navy is decently sized, with a large merchant train and a large military portion. 15 - Airforce Size - You have some biplanes. 10 - Mobilization Ability - It takes two months to mobilize.[/hider] Other: