Luna shifted, twisting in the air, partly to make sure she wasn’t going to crash into the ceiling with her back, gently tapping it instead with her outstretched hands, and knees. It was such an odd sensation to have down be the ceiling and up the floor… her stomach churned at the sensation, and all she wanted to do was be on the ground. Preferably not smashed to bits. At Edward’s voice, she looked over at him, and grinned. The simple motion was so… fulfilling, that Luna couldn’t help but be utterly joyful. She supposed she shouldn’t be surprised. Joy found her in times that did seem most stressful. Perhaps that was why she thrived in the hospital. And here, in these situations. She could enjoy it. It didn’t scare her… and if it did, she could always just smile and push it away. What else was there to do? Succumb to tears? What good would that do? “You’re on, Ed. I’ll whip you into shape” She said, perhaps a little teasingly. before she nodded, aiming for the hatch, and after a moment of reorienting herself, before starting to follow. As the construct lurched, Luna cursed lightly, and before she could smack fully against the wall, she threw out her left hand to stop herself, a sickening snap, crunch letting her know she had just done some serious damage to her wrist. As the pain sought to gain a hold of her, Luna refused to bow down to it. She let it wash over her, shaking a little bit as she floated, before she twisted in the air, brushing away a splattering of tears. Had she ever had a broken bone before? Luna wasn’t quite sure, although she’d dealt with a few from patients. She cradled the injured wrist to her chest, and placed a foot against the wall, panting slightly. Edward’s words were a little fuzzy, but she nodded. She had to save them, had to make sure they were okay. It was all she ever could do, was make sure everyone else was okay. It was what she’d been taught… “Hey, Ed? Maybe I’ll go easy on you with the training” She said, her voice shaking slightly, and she only just managed a smile as she got herself towards the door. How was she going to open it? She had no clue… She turned to the door. “Hey, door. Will you open?” She said, perhaps a little foolishly, before she began to seek a way to open it. What were they going to do if she couldn’t get it open? She didn’t let her thoughts linger there, grimacing at the pain in her wrist. She’d get the door open. That was all there was to it.