[quote=@Raddum] Noted, this is fine. Second character: [Center][Hider=Jotaro Kujo][img]http://images.shoutwiki.com/jojoss/3/38/Unit_Jotaro_Kujo%E3%80%90Part_4%E3%80%91.png[/img] [i]"Yare Yare..."[/i] [u][b]Name[/b][/u] Jotaro Kujo [u][b]Personality[/b][/u] Jotaro is a generally quiet individual, with a very firm blunt speech pattern once you actually get him speaking. He shows general disinterest in just about everything except for his passion; Marine Biology. And even then, he's overly serious and stern. Though, these aren't exactly bad qualities. Jotaro is actually an extremely good person; Caring for family, friends, and a general need to dish out justice only he can do for the people without his abilities. Despite being caring and calm, there are some things that can make the man snap; Screaming women piss him off, especially if they are overly clingy. As a divorced man who still loves his family, he also shows a terribly large disinterest in women in general. Often making him appear as someone who disregards them entirely; Though his sense of justice won't allow him to simply walk away when someone is in trouble. This makes people assume he plays hard to get... And he hates it. [u][b]Bio[/b][/u] [url=http://jojo.wikia.com/wiki/Jotaro_Kujo/History]Jotaro's story is the same up until 1997, two years before Part 4.[/url] After Jotaro divorced his wife and split away from her and their daughter, He continued his busy lifestyle as a Marine Biologist. While on a deep sea survey, Jotaro had been contacted by the human form of Interest, and was asked to join his plight due to his Stand abilities. At first, Jotaro was reluctant, stating that it wasn't his world, and it wasn't worth his time. But when he was informed that everything he cared for on Earth could be in danger, he was quick to change his tune. He agreed to aid Interest, and joined as a force of the New Multiverse Government; A powerhouse that would host an offense or a defense where he was told to do so. Sure, he wasn't the best talking buddy, but damn was it good to know that he was beating your enemies skulls' in, and not yours. Jotaro is motivated to stop the threat to his world to protect his wife and daughter; No matter how many punches he had to throw, or how many punches he had to take. Everything was worth it to ensure that they'd be okay. But good grief, this was very annoying. [u][b]Skills[/b][/u] *[b]Stand: Star Platinum[/b] Jotaro has a Stand; A personification of his life energy and fighting spirit that assists him in combat. While on his Earth they were unable to been seen by non-stand Users, Jotaro has been informed that people across the universes could probably see it for differing reasons. While annoying, Jotaro figured things would've been too easy otherwise. [Hider=Star Platinum][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/jjba/images/0/06/Star_Platinum_The_World.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/350?cb=20150610162343[/img] Abilities: Strength: Star Platinum possesses immense strength, being able to throw a Jeep carrying four men and a girl out of the path of an 18-wheeler, later pulling the same Jeep out of a canyon with only a car as a counter-weight, and can smash artificial diamond at full potential. Range: Star Platinum is a close-range Stand, with a basic reach of only 2 meters from Jotaro. Speed: Star Platinum boasts phenomenal speed, a good example being that it can catch a bullet fired at Jotaro from point-blank range. Self-Preservation: Star Platinum possesses the awareness and reaction speed to protect Jotaro in many instances that he himself seems unaware; Such as pumping his heart to get blood flowing, and protecting Jotaro even when he's unaware of an attack. Precision: Star Platinum is incredibly precise; it can surgically remove an object embedded in a person's skull without ill effect, and even catch a bullet between his thumb and forefinger in midair. Enhanced Eyesight: Star Platinum utilizes eagle-like eyesight. Jotaro has used Star Platinum's eyes to see four kilometers across a desert, as well as identify meaningful details, such as a specific type of fly in high-resolution images. It can also follow a card shuffle performed by a professional gambler, subsequently recounting the entire new order of the deck.[/Hider] *[b]P.H.D[/b] Jotaro has a P.H.D in Marine Biology. His knowledge of sea creatures might not be the most helpful thing in the world, but hey, it could come in handy at some point. *[b]Personal Abilities[/b] Stand aside, Jotaro does have his own talents: *[b]Intelligence:[/b] Jotaro is remarkably calm under pressure, and aware of his environment and capabilities; combining to make him a very reliable fighter. *[b]Knowledge:[/b] Jotaro has a lot of varied knowledge aside from Marine Biology: Examples being his studies of the Paranormal, and general skills when it comes to hunting and trapping. *[b]Toughness:[/b] Jotaro is naturally confident and intolerant to suggestions that he should defer in any way; backed up by his own strength, as well as that of his Stand. *[b]Trick:[/b] Jotaro is able to hold up to five lit cigarettes in his mouth, lit side inwards, and drink juice without putting them out. No one is able to replicate this technique. *[b]Joestar Family Secret Technique.[/b] The Joestar bloodline has a secret technique that each Jojo is fully aware of when they are in a tight situation: The ability to [i]run away.[/i] Otherwise known as "Tactical Retreat" as Jotaro doesn't flee; Rather he uses the technique to trap his opponents, or to stall for time so he can think of a plan. [u][b]Faction[/b][/u] New Multiverse Government[/Hider][/Center] [/quote] I love you, you fucking weeb.