[quote=@ELGainsborough] [@Grim] More often than not, I skim. However, given that the title told me right off the bat that it was in the wrong category I paid it even less attention than usual. As I've mentioned in other topics that drew into question my copy and paste welcoming post, this is merely to increase my post count. While many may not understand or care to understand, the fact that I had a lower post count than days on the forum tweaked my mind for whatever reason. But it has driven some interesting interactions as some newcomers take it upon themselves to follow up. It takes five minutes of my time on the guild before I move to my composition and gives others the impression that others might actually have a real interest in their being here other than for their own gain. So take it for what it is worth, and worry your pretty little head all for naught. [/quote] your post count is rookie numbers even with artificial inflation