[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/E6VIpLR.png[/img][/center] Lyros continued sauntering around the courtyard. Vashti flying overhead occasionally monitoring the gates while Lydrim remained seated. Lydrim passively inhaled fragrances from the gardens, letting out a single cough, clearing his throat while minutes passed. Vashti descended, landing near and starting to hop beside Lyros. “How peculiar-everything appeared bereft of life on the outside. So how much longer do you think we’ll be here?” Vashti questioned. Lyros sat down. “Until he decides to leave,” Lyros replied looking away, then toward the gate muttering. “Hopefully as little time as possible-it stinks here.” Vashti quickly fluttered up and perched on Lyros’s head. “Well it’s getting tiresome. How about I practice singing a merry little song in the mean-” Vashti exclaimed raising her voice, despite being right next to his ears. Lyros stood up and resumed walking. “Just keep your trap s-” Lyros abruptly interjected suddenly hearing a squawking serenade piercing his eardrums. But their wait was fleeting, the gates swung open. The first stranger arriving inside approached Lydrim, asking a question through slurred speech before stopping, leaving several yards of space between them. Lydrim stood up straight, posing in a serious but non-aggressive manner, quickly examining the stranger for visible and concealed weaponry before considering his appearance. Nyxians weren’t a race he had any prior life experience with, only knowing of their existence through books. Lydrim politely smiled back, hearing Vashti’s wings flapping behind him. Vashti landed on his shoulder. “I’m sorry, I don’t follow…the name’s Lydrim, how should I address you? ” Lydrim said feigning obliviousness, not exactly understanding what was transpiring, but able to surmise the Nyxian received a similar summons. Again, someone emerged from outside the opening gate and reacting in a comparable fashion and giving their greeting. Lyros started heading toward Lydrim and sitting in front while making his own comparisons, staring at the two. “Lydrim, pleasure to make your acquaintance.” He replied. Lyros made a sound of disgust. “I can’t decide which of two are uglier.” Lyros commented, though Lydrim purposely made their words unhearable beforehand. Lyros continued leering at them, watching another pair coming inside without saying a word. “Make that three ugly ones.” Lyros sneered. Lydrim locked eyes briefly with the young woman entering, noticing her ears. [i]“Another elf? Is that an elf?”[/i] Lydrim thought being interrupted by the sixth person making the most bombastic entrance possible, strutting through without discretion and making demands. Lydrim slowly reached his hand up, rubbing the back off his neck, still forcing a pleasant smile, observing everyone’s reactions. [i]“She’s either really confident or a half-wit...this is about as many people as I can stand surrounding me at one time.”[/i] Before he could manage to respond, Vashti interrupted, which to everyone who didn’t understand heard a squawk. “Can I introduce myself now? Come on, I promise to not mock them for their unsightly-” Lydrim promptly gave her a look in response. “I guess not...”