[@Tristwich] Nothing to be embarrassed about, really. It's super common and far from a fatal mistake in most cases. What's more your setup is one of the best, next to the old shield and pike combo. You even have appropriate side weapons. The greatsword is a bit gratuitous though. I assume it's on her back? That's just a Hollywood invention. Greatswords never come with frogs, rather, warriors would carry them in just their scabbards to and from battle only, leaning the sword in the crook of an arm or against their shoulder. It'd be a huge hinderance sitting down or walking through many doorways with such a weapon on the back, and it takes too much time and effort to unsling it from the back on short notice, particularly in an intense close quarters scrap. That's just general advice based on an assumption though. It's not for me to say whether or not your zweihander is of use where it is. For all I know you may have a special trick to incorporate it into the fight. You want to improve, as do we all, so I'm just telling you a few things I found out for myself on the off chance they may also prove beneficial to you. I honestly can't rightly critique anyone without actually seeing how well they use their character, so take my words with a grain of salt for now. Ah, but one more thing. Kull is examining Sel's grip on her weapons and trying to estimate their approximate reach. Could you reread my last post and then edit the relevant information into your own last post? I'm gathering info I.C'ly.