[hider=Amit Patil] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/r1noGyD.jpg[/img][/center] [b][u]Name: [/u][/b] Amit Muhammed Patil [b][u]Age: [/u][/b] 14 [b][u]Birthday: [/u][/b] February 6 [b][u]Sex: [/u][/b] Male [b][u]Ethnicity: [/u][/b] Indian [b][u]Nationality: [/u][/b] India and United Kingdom [b][u]School Year :[/u][/b] 4th Year [b][u]Blood Status: [/u][/b] Pure Blood [b][u]Hogwarts House: [/u][/b] Ravenclaw [b][u]Pet: [/u][/b] Beto the Rat, saved from an Occamy by Amit's father during a trip to India. [b][u]Boggart: [/u][/b] A Rabid Bull Mastiff. Amit was once attacked by a bull mastiff and was saved by his mother who was able to pull out her wand and use the body freezing spell on it. Amid see's it as a dog with a tail on both sides and no head, just wagging and spinning around, when casting Riddikulus. [b][u]Wand: [/u][/b] Fir Wood, Unicorn Hair Core, 11 1/2", Springy [b][u]Favourite Lesson: [/u][/b] Herbology, Amit found he had a knack for the subject, and it's one of the few he doesn't need to study consistently. [b][u]Least Favourite Lesson: [/u][/b] Defense Against the Dark Arts, Amit has always had trouble targeting living things with his magic and believes it will not be necessary in his lifetime. He's also a little bit intimidated by Professor Thorne. [b][u]Extracurricular Activities: [/u][/b] Quidditch Chaser, not the best in the school, or likely on the team. Avid member of the Gobstones Club, he even has a large collection that he carries on his person at most times. Amit recently took up Wizard's Chess and is hoping to start a club on campus to play. [b][u]Appearance: [/u][/b] Amit is 5'2" tall and weighs around 110 lbs. He has short black hair and light brown skin. Puberty has taken it's toll on Amit, and he often has at least two small pimples on his chin, as well as a few scar marks from picking. Amit wears a pair of large brown spectacles with his school robes and a small charm around his neck of a Phoenix feather. [b][u]Personality: [/u][/b] Amid was the class clown for his first two years at Hogwarts, but as he matured he's become more introverted and tried to focus on his studies. Amid isn't against having friends, but hasn't had luck in the past. Even his place on the Quidditch team was almost forced upon him by Madame Hooch the previous year. Amid is going into his fourth year intent on making at least one long lasting friendship. Amid will spend most of his time face deep in a textbook doing his best to pass his classes or playing Gobstones, one of his few continuing hobbies from his clown days. When he's throwing stones his happy go lucky personality comes out and he will smile from ear to ear. Amid recently discovered girls and has had trouble expressing this. He often hunches over as he walks focusing on the ground in front of him. [b][u]Backstory: [/u][/b] Amid was born in India and lived there until he was 8 with his mother and father. He then moved to the United Kingdom where his family has lived to this day. Before getting his acceptance letter to Hogwarts, Amid was home schooled by his mother while his father worked as an ambassador between the British Ministry of Magic and the Indian Ministry of Magic. Amid knew few other children during this time, aside from a neighbor who would play Jacks with him on occasion. Amid rarely played with his magic abilities before going to hogwarts, as self control was expected from his father. After receiving his acceptance letter to Hogwarts, Amid went to his first year. His father was able to take him to Diagon Ally while home from work, one of the few times they had spent together in the previous 3 years. They ended up arguing over the textbooks he would need and would speak very little for the next 2 years. Amid still spoke to his mother regularly through owl post, and occasionally saw his father in the pages of the Daily Prophet. This recent summer, Amid's father took him to back to India to see his homeland again. There he made a few friends at the Indian ministry during the 3 months who he had to leave behind. He also went with his father to their childhood home where a Occamy had taken up residence. His father dispatched it, and gave Amid a baby rat who's mother had been eaten by the Occamy. It's quickly growing and see's Amid as his mother. When Amid returned home, he learned that his father and mother would be living in India with muggles during the school year, making it the first year he wouldn't be able to go home for the holidays. Amid decided to make friends so that he wouldn't have to spend all that time alone. [b][u]Extra: [/u][/b] Amid will grow up to be the father of the Patil Twins. [/hider] [hider=Writing Prompt] [color=00aeef]"It isn't my fault Professor Young ate the Hiccough Sweet,"[/color] Amid thought to himself as he paced the 7th floor. He truly believed this. When he had offered the sweet to Jimmy Baxter he didn't think she'd confiscate it, let alone eat it! The explosion of hiccuping coughs mixed with her words cemented his fate though "AMI...[i]hick[/i]...D, to [i]cough[/i] the [i]hickkaaa[/i] HEADMASTERS OFFICE! [i]hick[/i]" she yelled as she worked her way back to her desk sorting through it for some unknown item. The class laughed but for the first time Amid wasn't sure if they were laughing at him or the situation. After all it was only Amid's second year and he was already having to see the headmaster. His head raced with all the horrible things that could happen, what if he got expelled. What if his father found out? So many what if's. [color=00aeef]"Wait"[/color] he thought to himself as he looked to his right [color=00aeef]"I swear that wasn't there a moment ago." [/color] There stood a red door, one that didn't seem to be before. Something about this door drew Amid closer, maybe he could hide in here? It was worth a try, even if the consequences were worse than facing the headmaster face to face. He opened the door and looked inside. It was some sort of reading nook. A few bookshelves lined the walls, and a pair of superbly comfortable looking leather chairs stood in the back wall surrounding an oak side table with a book upon it. The door shut behind Amid as he approached the book and read the title, [i]A History of Expulsion at Hogwarts[/i]. [color=00aeef]"NO WAY!"[/color] Amid expelled as he picked up the book and began to flip through its pages. It was quickly apparent that students were not often expelled for harmless pranks, even on professors. It seemed at most he would get detention, and at least would cause his house to lose a few points. But he kept reading, enthralled by the history of doing no good at his school. The first time in his first two years, he couldn't pull his head out of a book. A couple hours passed in the blink of an eye and Amid realized he had missed most of his classes for the day. He put the book into his school bag, intent on finishing it later that night and made his way to the headmasters office. Ready to be disciplined, with the knowledge that it would all be okay. Little did he know what detention would hold. [/hider]