[color=f7941d] [h2] [centre] Victor Henson [/centre] [/h2] [h3] [centre] Friday Night >>> inside of the Flour Meadough Bakery [/centre] [/h3][/color] The girl looked confused by his statements or maybe taken off guard, something he expected but was glad to hear her invite him in and out of the cold. [color=f7941d]“Tea and biscuits sounds lovely ma'm”[/color] he smiled and made his way inside closing the door behind him, following the girl and then to a table she pointed at. He sat down and looked around the room quietly, looking at all the food on display and getting a good feel for the place. He looked back over toward her as she moved some things near a stove. [color=springgreen]“So, what's your name? Forgive me for not asking earlier. It just isn't every day someone shows up asking for my father.”[/color] His heart fluttered for a moment as she finished her sentence, [color=f7941d]“Well uh, my name is Victor, Victor Henson. And your father... oh”[/color] he spoke as he looked away and bit his lip nervously, [color=f7941d]“sorry I'm not very good at social things but my mother passed away last month and well she told me about him.”[/color] he paused for a moment and looked at the girl with a smile, “[color=f7941d]she told me that they were just friends and it was more of a hey lets have some fun before I move away, sort of deal[/color]” he sighed remembering his mother, sure they didn't see eye to eye or have the best relationship, but she was still his mother. [color=springgreen]“My name is Olivia.”[/color] [color=springgreen]“How does it taste? My grandmother and I made a bit too much earlier, so these are the leftovers.”[/color] [color=f7941d]“Olivia is a nice name, I guess that makes you my half sister than. Do you have any brothers or sisters?” [/color]he smiled at her again as he tried the sweets she had brought over for them with the tea. The baked goods where a rather nice treat and seemed to calm his nerves a little, [color=f7941d]“these are really good.” [/color]he spoke in between bites. This reminded him that he did have a light dinner, so he would have the appetite to ample the festivals' food. Setting the empty tea cup down he smiled at her again, [color=f7941d]“so how would you feel with coming with a near total stranger to the festivities in town?”[/color] Victor spoke to her in a rather joking tone. [color=f7941d]“There's no need to worry... that much, I protect people for a living.”[/color] [@Poi]