[hider=Seal-peeps WIP][hr][center][img]http://media.coveringmedia.com/media/images/movies/2011/02/06/eagle_title_24389.jpg[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjExNi4wMDAwMDAuZEdobElGTmxiMnhvYVEsLC4wAA,,/norse.regular.png[/img][/center][hr] Totem: The Seolhi are guided by [abbr=Shoal Sho-Han]Seolh Shohan[/abbr], the Seal King. According to legend, Seolh Shohan created the Seolhi by eating the first man created by the Gods, with the subsequent floating viscera sprouting legs and walking onto the land as the first Seolhi. As punishment for destroying their first creation, the descendants of Seolh Shohan must live on icebergs or the frozen shores alongside their seal brethren. To compensate for this curse, Seolh Shohan ensured the Seolhi that each of his true offspring, the seals, would loyally live and work alongside the Seolhi forever. Pact: [i]Shohan's Kindness[/i], as it is called by the Seolhi, is the term used for the telepathic bond between the Seolhi and their seals. In order to receive Shohan's Kindness, a Seolhi must consume a seal's brain after it has been sacrificed according to an exact ritual. The Seolhi in question, from that point on, is able to "speak" to that seal's immediate offspring with their thoughts. A Seolhi may only receive Shohan's Kindness once, creating a class division of Seolhi who can control many seals, and must never set up a camp off of a shore, riverbank, or glacier. Leadership: The Seolhi are led by whichever Seolhi with the largest number of seals under his or her control. Their current leader is a prominent whaler named Kazur, who two summers ago, received Shohan's Kindness with a wild seal with nearly four dozen offspring. Organization: Semi-Nomadic Fishers/Whalers Warriors: The Seolhi have never been attacked -- They have nothing of value to offer, are presumed to live short, wretched lives by other clans, and their meager territories are avoided for their ferocity. Seolhi have no walls, borders, or fences of any kind. The closest thing the Seolhi have to a warrior caste or defense guard are the whalers, fishermen, and artisans who raid more frequently than Seolhi who have grown old or sick. Important People: WIP Story: The Seolhi believe themselves the be the descendants of the remains of the first human in the world, ripped apart by the mythical Seal King, Seolh Shohan.[/hider]