Bruce's eyes flickered from Oz to Zelriane and the exit. Bruce wanted to finish the fight, but the desire passed. His meditation, while not ideal, had yielded some success in making his walls more aesthetic than necessity. He'd come to terms with [i]all[/i] that he was. His phantoms returned to his body, disappearing while his form regained substance and volume. Save a few chinks, he was largely unharmed. Bruce nodded at Oz and set off sprinting for the staircase to catch up to Jenso. Zelriane wasn't likely to just let him go, but it didn't matter. [color=0072bc][b]"We're not the prey,"[/b][/color] he murmured- evidently, he'd found a new rhythm and melody that he was acting upon. [color=0072bc][b]"We are the hunters."[/b][/color]